Tuesday, September 24, 2024
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Exclusive: Disney’s Big Holiday Release, “Nutcracker and the Four Realms,” Said to Be A Looming Disaster, Adds Second Director to Credits


A couple of weeks ago I was told by a couple of people that Disney’s big Christmas release, “Nutcracker and the Four Realms,” was a total disaster. I admit to hesitating on reporting this news. The director, Lasse Hallstrom, is one of my favorites, and I felt bad about the situation. Look at his movies: The Cider House Rules, Chocolat, My Life as a Dog, What’s Eating Gilbert Grape, plus some gems like Hoax, Casanova, Salmon Fishing in the Yemen.

Now this afternoon Variety reports that the final cut will have two directors’ names– Hallstrom, and Joe Johnston. Lasse evidently turned in his version, Johnston was brought in for extensive reshoots. For maybe the first time ever, two separate directors will have their name on the opening card. Hallstrom will be first, followed by Johnston.

From what I hear, though, only Alan Smithee should be listed– that’s the name directors use when they want their name off a movie.

Even though Keira Knightley, Helen Mirren, Morgan Freeman, and Mackenzie Foy are featured, the movie is evidently not salvageable. What’s crazy, too, is that screenwriter Simon Beaufoy– who is always good– he won the Oscar for “Slumdog Millionaire”– composed the script. Lasse Hallstrom, Simon Beaufoy– what could go wrong, right? That’s A plus list talent!

Disney has made so much money this year already with Marvel and LucasFilms, and Pixar, they won’t notice this debacle. But it’s coming on November 2nd.

amFAR Throws Star-less Party in Paris, Still Hasn’t Reported Finances from Failed Cannes Gala


amFAR is really having problems.

On Wednesday night they threw a party at the Peninsula Hotel in Paris to celebrate the fashion shows. A lot of models and people you’ve never heard of showed up. The biggest celebrity was Petra Nemcova. Pretty much everyone else was a Who’s That?

Just like in May, after the Cannes gala, amFAR issued no information about how much money was made. We’ve been waiting since May 17th to hear what the annual Cannes blow out reaped financially for the AIDS organization. But president Kevin Frost, now known as Kevin Robert Frost, has never reported it. Frost makes around $550,000 a year. He’s too busy to give numbers anymore.

Aloe Blacc performed.

Meanwhile, amFAR is still paying Milutin “Gatsby” to be their special fundraiser and celebrity wrangler. Gatsby– that’s not his name– used to be thick as thieves with Leonardo DiCaprio and was also his mysterious foundation’s “global fundraising chairman.” His name been removed from the foundation’s website, however, and “Gatsby” is gone.

UPDATED Claude Lanzmann Remembered, Award Winning Director of Landmark Holocaust Film “Shoah,” Dies at 92


Claude Lanzmann has reportedly died today in Paris at age 92. His landmark film, “Shoah,” in 1985, brought the Holocaust out in the open, so to speak. The stories of the victims and the survivors shook the world and led the way to Steven Spielberg’s “Schindler’s List.” Spielberg named his Holocaust foundation after “Shoah,” the Shoah Foundation.

Shoah runs 566 minutes, or nine hours. It took 11 years to film the survivors. There is probably no more important documentary of the 20th century. You can read the New York Times review here.

Lanzmann never stopped working. He was in Cannes this past May screening “Napalm,” in which he revisited North Korea.


Claude Lanzmann Remembered 5 July 2018


Irritating, irascible, the French intellectual writer and filmmaker, most notable of the epic length, 9-hour Shoah, Claude Lanzmann could be charming, and cunning as he got his desired interviews, thereby documenting the Holocaust, the most cataclysmic and defining event of the twentieth century, even as some deny it ever happened. Some call Shoah (1985) the quintessential documentary.


A lover of Simone de Beauvoir and friend of Jean-Paul Sartre, Lanzmann’s life meshed with those of other French intellectuals. As an interviewer, Claude Lanzmann knew what he was after. A younger Lanzmann is seen chain-smoking in trendy sunglasses, finding his subject in Queens, a Holocaust survivor who cut the hair of Jews on their way to be gassed. “You know we both have to tell this story,” he speaks gently to the man as emotion builds on his face. Even in the 9 hours of Shoah, this man is memorable as he tells of women he knew, naked, stripped of dignity and hope, coming into the room. How easily the imagination fills in the horrific aftermath, even as the barber’s words transfix.


After Lanzmann filmed survivors for Shoah in 1975, for example, he teased out several interviews for stand-alone films. Sobibor, October 14, 1943, 4 P.M., about an uprising at one of the camps, gives lie to the belief that Jews did not resist their processing through the Nazi death factories. Memorable is the sound of geese covering the sound of systematic murder. In 2014, he released The Last of the Unjust, focused on Benjamin Murmelstein, third and last president of the Jewish Council of the Thereseinstadt ghetto in Czechoslovakia, who fought with Adolf Eichmann on matters of liquidating the Jews, and how best to complete the final solution.


For him, Hannah Arendt’s summation of Eichmann’s “banality of evil,” is pure rubbish; Eichmann was no bureaucrat, but a particularly inventive murderer. Claiming to have saved lives, Murmelstein, an erudite former rabbi from Vienna, was a controversial figure after liberation, accused of being a collaborator, but freed of these charges. What Claude Lanzmann has said about his film Shoah works for his treatment of Benjamin Murmelstein, his other film subjects, and his world view: “I am not here to judge.”


–Regina Weinreich



Conservative Actor James Woods Says He Was Dropped by Hollywood Talent Agent via Email


Conservative actor James Woods, talented but outspokenly right wing, has been dropped by his Hollywood talent agent.

Woods says his agent, Ken Kaplan of the Gersh Agency, dropped him via a short email yesterday. Kaplan represents a lot of actors who probably didn’t appreciate Woods’ views, including Winona Ryder and Kristen Stewart.

Yesterday, of course, was Independence Day. Maybe Kaplan had just had enough of Wood’s right wing rantings.

Get Out the Guitars: Andy Summers of The Police, Richard Thompson Star in East Hampton Live Series


Tonight at Guild Hall in East Hampton, the much anticipated Master Guitar series begins. These are live concerts featuring Andy Summers of the Police, legendary Richard Thompson, G.E. Smith of the original “SNL” band, and more.

Two weeks ago, Guild Hall hosted a pre-concert on the lawn at Tick Hall, Dick Cavett’s famed home in Montauk. Erudite talk show impresario  Cavett has resided in Tick Hall since 1966, restoring his historic home with its waterfront views to exacting original detail shingle by shingle, even down to the fireplace tiles from Shropshire, England and including charming imperfections: a creak in the stairs and slight sag in the porch, after a fire in 1997, all done from memory or photos.

One arrives at this exclusive, remote, and stately house journeying along Ditch Plains over a long gravel road past a trailer park, itself beachfront prime real estate. Offered a house tour, guests could not resist the charm of Victorian era rooms looking to sea vistas, Montauk’s historic lighthouse, and an expanse of lush green.

“It’s the only one of the Seven Sisters with oceanfront because in the 1920s, then-owner Harrison Tweed bought all the available land down to the ocean and some behind the house,” said Cavett who was not present, but interviewed last year on the occasion of his putting the property up for sale for $62 million, the first time in its 135-year history. “His friends thought he was mad to squander five dollars an acre, saying ‘who will ever come out this far on Long Island to this “wild and inconvenient” place to bother you.’ True then, Tweed’s smart move became the envy of the less visionary. The property is now nearly 20 acres, surrounded by conserved land.” When it was built, it was called ‘a summer cottage.’ But it struck me as majestic, romantic, a storybook house by the sea. It made me gasp.”

Surely Cavett’s guests over the years have felt the same: among them, Montauk neighbors Andy Warhol, Edward Albee, and Percy Heath, and others from the worlds of theater and culture: Tennessee Williams, Mick and Bianca Jagger, Mary Tyler Moore, Dustin Hoffman, Lauren Bacall, Alec Baldwin, Javier Bardem, Christine Baranski, Robert Redford and Muhammad Ali. When Woody Allen, an unlikely admirer of such beauty in nature, visited, he said, “Cavett, this is a storybook setting.”

Guitarist G. E. Smith said he could while away the day on the wrap around porch, a listening perch for some. Others lazed on a grassy slope to hear Eric Clapton sideman Doyle Bramhall II (also FYI boyfriend of Renee Zellweger) cover the Beatles’ “Two of Us,” some tasty Muddy Waters, and with Adam Minkoff, his own “Mama Can’t Help You No More.”

Andy Summers and Ralph Gibson kick off the series tonight — just as the heat outside is dissipating it will be roaring like a fireplace in Guild Hall. And maybe Dick Cavett will come by, too.



Best Buy Is Not Ending CD Sales Yet Contrary to Rumors: The Silver Disc Lives On


Best Buy is not stopping sales of CDs, contrary to rumors from last winter.

Even though CD sales have been minimized by downloads and streaming, the silver disc will live on a little longer at the retailer.

A spokesman sent me this statement: “The way people buy and listen to music has dramatically changed and, as a result, we are reducing the amount of space devoted to CDs in our stores. However, we will still offer select CDs, vinyl and digital music options at all stores.”

There are still hundreds of CDs sitting in Best Buy stores. And there are lots of great values at Best Buy’s website. (I’d stock up now.) The footprint in the stores may shrink, but at least we’ll see some stands everywhere.

I don’t understand what’s happened to CDs. Sure, streaming is just convenient, and downloads are too. But a properly mastered CD played on a good player (Denon, Marantz, Cambridge Audio, Creek) offers glorious, uncompressed sound that is far better than anything you can get on a phone or MP3 player or iTouch (if they still make it).

A lot of the music popular now on streaming services is so badly made, I can see why the acts don’t want CDs. They would reveal the poor production. Listening to music on CD or LP will show the real qualities of a recording– or its failures. Constantly listening to music through ear buds is less rewarding than playing a 45 rpm single on a plastic record player.


Nobel Prize in Chaos: Cancels Annual Concert for 2018 Winners Plus No Literature Prize (The One Bob Dylan Got)


The times they are a changing: the austere and respected Nobel Prizes are in a bit of chaos this year. They’ve just announced that there will be no annual concert this year for the winners. The concert has always been a big deal.

Last year, John Legend was the headliner and Sting in 2016. Patti Smith performed for Bob Dylan in 2016 but that wasn’t at the concert but at the actual prize ceremony.

On top  of that, the award Dylan received this year– for Literature — will not be given for the first time ever in 2018. The Nobel committee says they will wait to give it again in 2019. The last winner in literature was Kazuo Ishiguro, author of “Remains of the Day.”

The Nobel Prizes are given by the Swedish Academy in accordance with Alfred Nobel’s will. But the Academy has been mired in scandal for the last year with issues relating to financial problems and sexual harassment.

According to a press release: “The crisis in the Swedish Academy has adversely affected the Nobel Prize. Their decision underscores the seriousness of the situation and will help safeguard the long-term reputation of the Nobel Prize. None of this impacts the awarding of the 2018 Nobel Prizes in other prize categories.”

The Nobel Prizes says it will give two literature prizes in 2019. One of them should be posthumous, to Philip Roth. It’s absolutely ridiculous that Roth never received a Nobel Prize before his death this year. Frankly, I don’t care what the Swedish Academy’s other issues are. Shunning Roth completely devalues their prize.

The Nobel Prizes will be announced between October 1st and October 8th.

PS If you’re thinking that little by little everything good has been ruined since Donald Trump took office, you are correct.


Instagram Photo Chosen by Janet Jackson of Her and Late Father Speaks Volumes: No One is Smiling


Don’t be fooled by Janet Jackson’s Instagram photo of her and late father Joseph. No one is smiling in this picture, least of all Janet. She looks like she’s a hostage.

Janet’s rise to fame had nothing to do with Joseph. It was family friend John McClain who got Janet to A&M Records, far from her father’s reach, and to Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis as producers. Janet hated her father. He was very abusive to her, which has been noted over and over. She once famously helped her mother beat up one of her father’s girlfriends.

Whatever peace she’s made with her father is great, but the reality is she knew what he was capable of. Family friends who knew the Jacksons quite well circa 1980 say Janet once appeared in their kitchen asking for a butcher knife to use again Joseph. The elder Jackson was also responsible for her separating Janet from her high school sweetheart and forcing her into the marriage with James DeBarge.


A post shared by Janet Jackson (@janetjackson) on

Donald Trump Posts Inaccurate Tweet About His Writing Skills, Uses Wrong Word and Poor Grammar


Donald Trump is boasting about his writing skills. He says he’s written many books. This is false, he’s used ghost writers always, most famously Tony Schwartz for “The Art of the Deal.”

Trump says the Fake News (he’s made up this rubric) likes to “pour” over his Tweets. He means “pore” over the Tweets. The pour he’s used to is pour liquid, to dispense.

Finally, the grammar is wrong in his Tweet and doesn’t track. It’s a mess. He would get an F in any grammar class. His whole long first sentence is a run on, and when it comes to the first comma, what follows is a mess. “…it should be noted…” etc cannot come there. He’s referring to himself, he’s priding himself, so it should be noted that “…I…” do something.

The President of the United States is illiterate. He’s a lot of other things, but this is sad. He has very poor writing skills, which is another example of a word that sounds like pore or pour. Maybe he can learn something since he hates poor people and is trying to torture them.

Drake Sales of New Music Swamp Kanye, Beyonce, Jay Z in Debut Week: 740K Expected, Most of it Streaming


The Scorpion is stinging everything else on the pop charts this week.

Drake’s new album, “Scorpion,” is a massive hit far surpassing Kanye, his minions, Bey and Jay, everyone.

“Scorpion” is on track to sell 740,000 copies by Thursday night. That number is almost all from streaming. Paid downloads on iTunes and amazon will come only to around 150,000.

Every song from the “double album” set is on the Streaming Hits chart, as well. Every single track is in the top 20 or top 30. That includes songs Drake sampled with Michael Jackson (his estate should be happy) and Mariah Carey (her sample comes from a song she sampled largely from Maurice White, late leader of Earth Wind & Fire).

Money is just pouring. “Scorpion” is number 1 everywhere. And that’s good for the kid Drake admitted to fathering on this record. The mother is former adult-film star Sophie Brussaux. She and the kid can relax in the South of France forever.

Will “Scorpion” be in the Grammy mix? Undoubtedly. You can already expect it to win Best Rap Album and probably in the general Album of the Year category.

In case you’ve been living under a rock, Aubrey Drake Graham is Canadian, He turns 32 this fall. His father is black, American, Catholic raised in Memphis and is a well known studio drummer. Drake’s mother is Jewish, from Canada. Drake, a dual citizen, was Bar Mitzvahed.

Every record this guy puts out turns to gold immediately. His biggest hit is “Hotline Bling,” with the refrain ‘you don’t call me on your cell phone’ set to the beat of Timmy Thomas’s “Why Can’t We Live Together.”