Tuesday, September 24, 2024
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Pop Music: Democratic Senator Ron Wyden Ties to Digital Outlets May Be Reason He’s Proposing Cuts to Royalties, Long Term Rights of Legacy Music Stars


File this under Pop Goes the Weasel.

I told you last week about Oregon Senator Ron Wyden, a Democrat, suddenly sponsoring his own legislation to take away more rights from the pop, rock, R&B and all music artists who made records before 1972.

Why does Wyden, who has nothing to do with Hollywood, care about putting through his own legislation about these artists? His ACCESS to Recordings Act would severely hurt these artists whose music we love– and who are not getting remuneration for their work. Wyden’s ACCESS act would cut short copyright holders’ years of ownership, put recordings in public domain, and cut off royalties on master recordings for heirs of the artists.

All those artists are  subject to a loophole in the copyright law and receive almost nothing in proceeds from digital and satellite broadcasts. Good legislation is going through Congress called the Music Modernization Act, which would get everyone paid and even ensure their heirs’ rights. Within the Music Modernization bill there is something called the Classics Act which protects common law rights of these musicians.

So, why den does the Oregon senator care so much after the House approved the bill that’s supported by artists and the Grammys aka NARAS?

Well, it turns out that Ron Wyden may have a personal interest in forcing his ACCESS act: his close friend, donor, and mentor to his son is a hedge fund manager in New York named David E. Shaw. Shaw has contributed heavily to Wyden for years. Shaw also helped Wyden’s son, Andrew, launch his own hedge fund out of his basement about five years ago. After giving young Wyden a paid internship in his office, Shaw then gave him $3 million to start his own firm, called ADW Holdings.

Shaw — a major Democratic donor– is also a big Wyden supporter. He donated $17,000 to Wyden in the 2004 cycle, $15,000 in the 2006 cycle, $13,000 in 2008.

Shaw also has a major financial interest in all things digital. His was one of the top hedge funds invested in Spotify. Back in January, getting ready for the Spotify IPO, D. E. Shaw made a whopping $16 billion when they cashed out half the shares they bought in 2015. Shaw literally doubled its money– their investment was $8 billion– and still held onto a large chunk of the company.

Spotify, like all digital services, depends on the pre-1972 recordings being either in public domain or receiving the lowest possible royalty. Contemporary artists like Drake may be selling like hot cakes, but it’s catalog– the Beatles, Motown, classic rock, etc– that keeps the business going.

Then there’s Shaw’s ties to SiriusXM Satellite Radio. Sirius really depends on not paying royalties on pre-1972 recordings and has been in endless lawsuits on this subject. Nearly every Sirius station is devoted to old music. Imagine if they had to pay for it! But that’s what Shaw, Wyden’s pal, is heavily invested in. D. E. Shaw had 2.1 million shares of Sirius noted in their March 31st filing of holdings. Shaw’s investment had increased by 107%.

But it all comes back to Wyden’s relationship with Shaw. Why else would Wyden care if master recordings from the 20s, 30s, and 40s go into public domain? Only that digital music is free to its broadcasters who are directly tied financially to not only one of his biggest backers, but the guy who helped establish his son on Wall Street. Wyden’s bill only serves to help himself, his friends, and by extension, his family. Recording artists would suffer irreparable harm.

Oregon– particularly Portland– is supposed to be an enlightened, sophisticated place. I’m surprised they’ve let a Democrat, of all things, get involved in this mess especially if he’s benefiting from it. For decades, music artists– particularly black/jazz/soul/R&B etc — have suffered rip offs from everyone. Many have died in poverty, and even more have died young. It’s almost a cliche now that black artists die without money, after terrible lives. The Music Modernization Bill could help stop that. But Ron Wyden’s  only motivation for perpetuating the cliche is certainly suspicious. Enough!




Roseanne Barr Teases TV Interview for This Week, Still Hoping for a Comeback After Racist Tweet Episode


Roseanne Barr will not go away. She’s just posted a Tweet promising to tell us tomorrow about a TV interview she’s agreed to for this week. We can pretty much assume it’s not on ABC or “Good Morning America.” Megyn Kelly would be the place for her. We’ll see.

Roseanne is still retweeting crazy stuff, and relying on “Rabbi” Shmuley Boteach as her spiritual adviser. Good luck with all that. She knows how to pick ’em.


Movie Super Hero Fatigue? “Ant Man” Sequel Falls Short of Estimates with $76 Mil Weekend, Much Less Than Predicted


It’s a comic book summer for Marvel and Disney. One hit after another.

And now: “Ant Man and the Wasp” didn’t do the expected, and brought in just $76 million. Disney had estimated $85-$87 million. Still,  the sequel to “Ant Man” made around $19 million more than the first episode which did $57.2 million on its opening weekend.

Is there super hero comic book movie fatigue? Disney has pumped out a bunch of these blockbuster movies this year– from “Black Panther” and “Infinity War” to “Deapool 2” and now this one. Has Disney-Marvel over-saturated?

Interesting: The story of this month is documentaries. The films about Whitney Houston, Mister Rogers, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and the Long Island triplets separated at birth have captivated audiences. Suddenly, audiences are wanting to hear real stories. Are we seeing a sea change?

Even more interesting: Box office expert Gitesh Pandya notes on Twitter– “Troubling 30% fall from FRI to SAT – bigger drop than all JUL/AUG #MCU pics: #SpiderManHomecoming, #GOTG, #CaptainAmerica & AntMan.”

This “Ant Man” may not have legs, let alone wings.

Roman Polanski’s Actress Wife Emmanuelle Seigner Refuses Oscar Academy Invitation After Husband Expelled


French actress Emmanuelle Seigner has told the Motion Picture Academy she declines their off to join the group– especially after they expelled her famous director husband Roman Polanski.

Writing in a French newspaper, Seigner says no the Academy.

Frankly, it’s bizarre she was sent the invite since Polanski was ousted. Most of her movies have been with him anyway. Why would they think she would accept?

“How can I ignore the fact that a few weeks go, the Academy expelled my husband, Roman Polanski, in an attempt to appease the zeitgeist – the very same Academy which in 2002 awarded him an Oscar for The Pianist! A curious case of amnesia!” she says.  “The Academy probably thinks I am enough of a spineless, social climbing actress that I would forget that I have been married for the past 29 years to one of the world’s greatest directors,” Seigner wonders.

She continues:

“Roman Polanski gave birth to unforgettable female characters played by Sharon Tate, Catherine Deneuve, Mia Farrow, Faye Dunaway, Nastassja Kinski, and Sigourney Weaver, nothing like this machismo caricature, a symptom of the evil that ravages the cinema. Academy of Oscars would like me to disassociate myself from this man?”

Brat Pack Twitter Debate: Ally Sheedy Laments Rob Lowe Only Worries He Doesn’t Have a Show to Reboot

Ally Sheedy and Rob Lowe were only in two mid 1980s movies together– “St. Elmo’s Fire” and “Oxford Blues” — but they will always be associated with each other as part of the extended Brat Pack. That group also includes Molly Ringwald, Andrew McCarthy, Judd Nelson, Emilio Estevez, Demi Moore, and so on.

Rob went on to make a lot of TV shows and movies, some good, some not. but he’s always been affable.

Ally’s career was a little more of a roller coaster, and she might be considered “more serious” in her choices.

Tonight on Twitter, Lowe laments that with all the reboots of 80s, 90s, 00s material, he has nothing — like “Will & Grace” –that he could bring back which also be relevant. He could do a spin off of what happened to his “West Wing” character, Sam Seaborn, I suppose. (Sam was the Deputy White House Communications Director and was last seen as a successful Los Angeles lawyer. Maybe he became a senator, or the Governor.)

I guess Sheedy follows Lowe on Twitter. She was quick to ask him if– with everything going on in the world– that’s the best Tweet he could come up with. We’ll wait for Rob’s comeback.



Disney-Marvel Scores Another Number 1 Friday with “Ant-Man” Sequel


Black Panther, Infinity War, Deadpool 2, and so on. It’s just been a Disney-Marvel summer of movies that are designed to take our minds off of reality of any kind.

Following that schedule, “Ant-Man and the Wasp,” which is not a Jack Lemmon-Shirley MacLaine movie about a stuck up guy and the off limits girl he loves, opened to a big $33.8 million Friday last night and is headed for an $85 million weekend.

Surfing in on the Marvel Universe of movies, this is a big success for Disney since the first “Ant Man” which did not feature The Wasp, had a $57 million opening weekend. The next episode, building on a theme, will be set in Darien, Connecticut.


Drake Sells 750K Copies of “Scorpion,” Most of it Via Streaming, John Coltrane Sells 17K


Drake is number 1– by miles.

His “Scorpion” music sold enough to register 158,000 downloads and almost 600,000 from streaming. The total according to hitsdailydouble is 749,000.

“Scorpion” has also scored many records for streaming. He has the top 20 songs on the Streaming Songs Chart — plus three more songs in the top 30. His sales have dwarfed Kanye West and Beyonce and Jay Z.

Indeed, Kanye’s “Ye” album sold only about 24,000 copies this week. And The Carters sold around 38,000 total of their duet album. Neither act has done much on the singles charts.

No, it’s all about Drake, for better or worse. Will anyone remember these songs? No, of course not. But for now, he’s the king of the hill.

Number 2 for the week is a new album by Florence and the Machine, 81K, only 10K of that from streaming. Hip hop rap R&B is all about streaming. Rock and pop are sales, physical and download.

The discovered John Coltrane album, “Both Directions at Once,” sold just 17,000 copies with about a thousand more in streaming. You can’t stream it, really, but I did because in New York City there was nowhere to buy a CD or LP. Sometimes I feel like I’m living in a nightmare of my worst future predictions from the 1980s.


In Marvel-ous Memoriam: Steve Ditko, Creator of Spider Man, Doctor Strange, Dies at 90


The world of comics has lost a legend. Steve Ditko, who created Spider Man and Doctor Strange with Stan Lee, has died at age 90. The death was announced this evening although the actual date was June 27th. He was discovered in his New York apartment on June 29th.

Ditko was the actual creator of those comic book legends and all their adversaries. He worked for Stan Lee, but left in the after doing the foundation of the work that has made billions of Marvel and Lee, and now Disney.

Ditko left Marvel in the 60s, returned in the 70s and several times thereafter. He never married, didn’t have children, and it sounds like the end of his life wasn’t so great if it took two days to find him. No matter how crazy Stan Lee’s life is now, it’s a lot better than that.

Well, we thank Ditko, who is described as a recluse and kind of a J.D.Salinger type, for giving us these amazing creations.


Rocker Elvis Costello Cancels Tour He Says Because of “Aggressive” Cancer, Surgery, Rest


Elvis Costello, the great rocker-singer-songwriter-multi-tasker-galore, says today on Facebook he has an “aggressive” form of cancer. He’s canceled the remainder of his current European tour to rest, on doctor’s orders. Costello calls his band The Imposters, but he’s no imposter. He’s always been the real thing. A member of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, Costello’s aim is always true. He will beat what sounds like prostate cancer (but there’s no confirmation of that).

Elvis’s Facebook statement follows. His devoted and BIG fans around the world send him prayers, love, good vibes, whatever it takes. Costello has a new album set for the fall, and maybe a tour that starts November 2nd. He announced signing with Concord Records last month. Elvis is married, of course, to Diana Krall, with whom he has twin boys. He’s also got an adult son from his first marriage.

from Facebook:

Elvis Costello has been forced to cancel the remaining 6 dates of his current European tour on medical grounds. His doctor has strongly advised him to take a break from his current tour itinerary and rest.

Ticket holders should go to point of purchase for refunds.

Elvis apologises to his fans and releases the following statement:

“Six weeks ago my specialist called me and said, “You should start playing the Lotto”. He had rarely, if ever, seen such a small but very aggressive cancerous malignancy that could be defeated by a single surgery.

I was elated and relieved that our European summer tour could go ahead.

Post-surgical guidelines for such surgery, recommend three weeks to four weeks recovery depending on whether you are returning to a desk job or an occupation that involves physical work or travel.

It was impossible to judge how this advisory would line up with the demands on a traveling musician, playing 90-minute to 2-hour plus performances on a nightly basis but by the time we reached the Edinburgh Playhouse, I was almost fooled into thinking that normal service had been resumed.

I have to thank our friends attending last night’s show in Amsterdam and those in Antwerp, Glynde and at Newcastle City Hall for bearing me up. The spirit has been more than willing but I have to now accept that it is going to take longer than I would have wished for me to recover my full strength. Therefore, I must reluctantly cancel all the remaining engagements of this tour.

My apologies go to our ticket holders in Manchester, Pula, Graz, Vienna, Tysnes and Rattvik but I would rather disappoint our friends there by not appearing than in pressing on with a show that is compromised and
eventually puts my health at risk.

My deep thanks go to Pete Thomas, Steve Nieve and Davey Faragher of The Imposters for all their deep friendship, love and support during this upsetting time. Thanks also to Kitten Kuroi and Briana Lee whose beautiful voices have spurred me on to do the singing that I’ve managed, whatever the cost. It goes without saying that there are many others who have worked to get us to the stage and from town to town to whom I am also deeply grateful.

To leave you with some more optimistic news, The Imposters and I – together with several of our other friends – have made a magnificent new record of which we are truly proud. It will be issued in October, I believe. We will return at the soonest opportunity to play that music and your favourite songs that still make sense to us all.

Take very good care of your loved ones but Gentleman, do talk to you friends – you’ll find you are not alone – seek your doctor’s advice if you are in doubt or when it is timely and act as swiftly as you may in these matters. It may save your life. Believe me, it is better than playing roulette.”

Yours through music. Elvis Costello”

Exclusive: Disney’s Big Holiday Release, “Nutcracker and the Four Realms,” Said to Be A Looming Disaster, Adds Second Director to Credits


A couple of weeks ago I was told by a couple of people that Disney’s big Christmas release, “Nutcracker and the Four Realms,” was a total disaster. I admit to hesitating on reporting this news. The director, Lasse Hallstrom, is one of my favorites, and I felt bad about the situation. Look at his movies: The Cider House Rules, Chocolat, My Life as a Dog, What’s Eating Gilbert Grape, plus some gems like Hoax, Casanova, Salmon Fishing in the Yemen.

Now this afternoon Variety reports that the final cut will have two directors’ names– Hallstrom, and Joe Johnston. Lasse evidently turned in his version, Johnston was brought in for extensive reshoots. For maybe the first time ever, two separate directors will have their name on the opening card. Hallstrom will be first, followed by Johnston.

From what I hear, though, only Alan Smithee should be listed– that’s the name directors use when they want their name off a movie.

Even though Keira Knightley, Helen Mirren, Morgan Freeman, and Mackenzie Foy are featured, the movie is evidently not salvageable. What’s crazy, too, is that screenwriter Simon Beaufoy– who is always good– he won the Oscar for “Slumdog Millionaire”– composed the script. Lasse Hallstrom, Simon Beaufoy– what could go wrong, right? That’s A plus list talent!

Disney has made so much money this year already with Marvel and LucasFilms, and Pixar, they won’t notice this debacle. But it’s coming on November 2nd.