Tuesday, September 24, 2024
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Pop: Drake’s “Scorpion” Passes 1 Million Mark After 2 Weeks, Earns $4 Mil in Streaming


On “Seinfeld” they used to say, Everyone loves the Drake. No one ever explained it, but as with most things Seinfeld, the expression was prescient.

Everyone does indeed love Drake 20 years later.

The pop R&B rapper half Jewish Canadian is the king of the pop charts, summer 2018. His “Scorpion” album is number 1 for the second week. In that time, “Scorpion” has cleared the 1 million sales mark for real, not just shipments, but in sales and streaming. After selling 750K copies in week 1, Drake came back with 325K in week 2. These days, that’s nothing short of a miracle.

On the Song Revenue Chart for Week 1, hitsdailydouble shows that Drake earned over $4 million from streaming. On the top 50, songs with Drake’s name on the byline take up 24 spots. Earth shaking.

Just to give a little perspective, “Scorpion” sold 12 times the number of albums that Jay Z and Beyonce’s “Everything is Love” sold this week. Drake has obliterated The Carters and annihilated Kanye West. Drake’s only real competition for all of 2018 is Post Malone, but he’s exceeded Malone handily.

Universal Music remains the biggest market share holder in music. Warner Music is number 2, which is interesting. Sony/Columbia/RCA/Epic has fallen to a distant third. Columbia Records still has nothing on the charts. Yeesh!


West Side Story Real Life Rumble Pits Steven Spielberg Movie Remake vs. Scott Rudin Broadway Revival


The Jets and the Sharks are about to rumble again on the West Side– west of Broadway.

That’s because yesterday peripatetic Broadway producer Scott Rudin announced a revival of “West Side Story” — the famed Leonard Bernstein-Stephen Sondheim-Arthur Laurents 1957 masterpiece–for December 2019. Ivan Hove is directing.

That’s nice. We just had a really great “West Side Story” revival from 2009 to 2011. It’s not like we were lacking in Jets or Sharks.

Rudin’s announcement comes as everyone in the biz knows that Steven Spielberg is in pre-production with a new movie version of “West Side Story,” the first ever remake. Tony Kushner has written the screenplay. Open casting calls have taken place. Spielberg is on the fast track. If he starts shooting this fall, his movie could open in…December 2019.

Somewhere, there’s a place for all of this. I just don’t know where.

Smartly, Spielberg has as his co-producer Kevin McCollum, who co-produced the 2009 Broadway revival. Of course, the movie could wait to be unveiled until December 2020. By then, the Rudin version could be on its way out on Broadway.The last iteration barely made it two years– and Laurents was still alive, which was the PR hook.

Rudin counts on these revivals (he just did “Hello, Dolly!” and “Carousel”) as his Broadway bread and butter. He stocks them with stars to pull in high paying ticket holders. But “Carousel” didn’t win the Tony. “Dolly!” only worked when Bette Midler was in it. And “West Side Story” is usually cast live with unknowns because they have to be young and athletic.

So who will win, Spielberg or Rudin? And this maybe a little too much “West Side Story” all at once? I guess we’ll find out.


It’s Mueller Time! Special Counsel Indicts 12 Russian Intel Officers for Hacking Hillary Clinton, Democrats


While Donald Trump makes a fool of himself in London and on his European tour, special Counsel Robert Mueller has played a big card. His office has indicted 12 Russian intel officers for hacking Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the DNC.

Here’s the link to the indictment.

And so “the witch hunt” continues. And Paul Manafort is still in jail.

I Told You in 2016: Downton Abbey Movie is On, Officially Announced with All Cast Members Returning


I did tell you this in 2016

The “Downton Abbey” movie is a go, announced officially by Focus Features. All the cast members are coming back except for Dan Stevens and the girl who played Isabelle. They got themselves killed off in the series when they decided to leave after three seasons. Otherwise, Hugh Bonneville, Maggie Smith, Elizabeth McGovern, Michelle Dockery, Jo Froggatt, et al will return. Tis hoped this is a one off and not the beginning of a series. (Please God.) Just wrap it up, once and for all, before Downton is bought by foreigners and the town becomes a suburb with a Wimpy’s.

The show’s creator Julian Fellowes has written the script, of course. He’ll be co-producing with Gareth Neame and Liz Trubridge. Brian Percival, who directed the show’s pilot, will direct the film.

Gareth Neame, Carnival’s Executive Chairman and the film’s producer said, “When the television series drew to a close it was our dream to bring the millions of global fans a movie and now, after getting many stars aligned, we are shortly to go into production. Julian’s script charms, thrills and entertains and in Brian Percival’s hands we aim to deliver everything that one would hope for as Downton comes to the big screen.”

Jon Voight: “Roe v. Wade” to “Tell All Sides of the Story,” Says He Wouldn’t Pursue Director Nick Loeb’s Real Life Legal Battle with Sofia Vergara


“Roe v. Wade” is a movie, alas. Oscar winning actor Jon Voight is in it, he plays Supreme Court Justice Warren Burger, he told me before last night’s screening of the new HBO documentary “Robin Williams: Come Inside My Mind.”

Voight has been in  New York for some time shooting “Ray Donovan,” the cable series for which he has four Emmy nominations. (Yesterday, as with all the Showtime series, “Ray Donovan” struck out with the Emmys.)

As such, Voight, always pleasant and thoughtful, has been seen a little more often in public than usual. Shooting all day in Queens or Brooklyn, it’s nice to come into Manhattan for a screening. And that can be a little weird since Voight is a notable Hollywood Republican with outspoken views. He even appeared at Donald Trump’s inaugural.

“Roe v. Wade” was considered a “secret” movie until recently, hiding under the name “1973.” Directed by Nick Loeb, heir to the famed Loeb banking and real estate family, and son of a former Ambassador, “Roe v. Wade” carries an unusual amount of baggage. The director has been in a very public and contentious legal tug of war with TV star Sofia Vergara over embryos they froze when they were dating. Vergara wants them destroyed. Loeb wants to turn them into his own heirs.

“He considers them fetuses,” Voight observed when I asked him about Loeb’s situation. I asked him what he, Voight, would do if he were in that situation. He hesitated. “I wouldn’t be in that situation,” he said at first. Then he added: “I wouldn’t want them.”

Voight is an interesting Republican. He won his Oscar for being in an anti-war movie, “Coming Home,” with Jane Fonda. In “Roe v. Wade,” he plays Justice Warren Burger, a noted conservative who voted with the majority opinion to give women the right to have an abortion.

“It’s an interesting movie,” he said. “A lot of people don’t know both sides of the story.”

Loeb, meantime, is said to be looking for $1 million to finish the film, which has a total budget of $3.5 million. Several actors and crew members left the shoot when they discovered what the whole film was about and how the screenplay positioned many “facts.” It remains to be seen if “Roe v. Wade” will be seen at all.

Review: Robin Williams HBO Doc “Come Inside My Mind” Shows How the Genius Comic Soared and Suffered

Robin Williams was probably the funniest person I ever saw live, in person, on stage, or on film. He was certainly a genius and one of a kind, with a mind that if you could get inside of it, would whirring with gizmos and gears. He was fast, not just glib but fast, connecting dots you didn’t think even existed near each other.

Marina Zenovich’s documentary “Come Inside My Mind” is an excellent start in trying to understand what Williams tick and what brought his life to an end four years ago at age 63. After a Hollywood premiere, HBO threw a smaller celebration last night in New York at what is now called the Robin Williams SAG AFTRA auditorium, a beautiful new screening room on West 54th St that fulfills the memory of the old Todd AO Screening Room.

Among the guests were comedians Robert Klein and Lewis Black, who were old friends of Robin, as well as Bryant Gumbel, Jackie Martling, producer Alex Gibney, writer Lawrence Wright, Oscar winner Ezra Edelman, and even Robin’s stand in for 25 years on 26 films, Adam Bryant.

Robin Williams’ life was BIG In every sense of the word, so not everything made it into this film. But Zenovich, who made “Roman Polanski: Wanted and Desired” has skillfully crafted a very comprehensive look at Williams’ life. As a first film on a subject, “Come Inside My Mind” will always be referred back to as the foundation for future projects.

I guess the big news here is that Zenovich persuaded Williams’ first wife, Valerie Velardi, to speak for the first time ever. She verifies that Williams did not leave her for their nanny, Marcia Garces, who became his second wife and mother of his two younger children. Valerie confirms that they were already apart when Robin hired Garces to be his secretary, as well. This a welcome relief especially to those who know Garces; she was never the villain in Williams’ story.

Zenovich adroitly chronicles Williams’ rise to fame from his early stand up work, his time at Juilliard, the surprise success of “Mork and Mindy,” and the long transition to hit movies like “Good Morning Vietnam” and “Awakenings.” One of the highlights of the film is actress Pam Dawber, aka Mindy, as well as rare footage from those early days. Williams’ life grew so out of hand– and you may not remember this– he partied with John Belushi the night he died. It was Robin who was the star witness at the comic actor’s inquest.

That Zenowich captures Robin’s meteoric rise, and is able to give a long look at his original domestic setting with Valerie and young son Zak, give the film a lot of its heft. From there, Zenovich kind of zips through Williams’ movie career (skipping over his Oscar win for “Good Will Hunting”) to get to her third act– Williams’ undisclosed and largely undiagnosed battle with Parkinson’s. She tiptoes around the assessment that he committed suicide and we’re still left with some questions about what really happened.

Robin Williams’ life was complicated, like anyone’s. A couple of things are missing, cut, I supposed for time. There is no mention of his obsessive friendship with shamed Tour de France winner Lance Armstrong. Robin was loyal to him to the end, even as Armstrong was unmasked as a ruthless liar.

Also, Robin’s great friendship with and devotion to the late Christopher Reeve is absent. When Reeve was injured in his horseback riding accident, it was Robin who rode to the rescue. Many of us here in the press lived through this amazing time, as Robin appeared at Reeve’s bedside right after the surgery pretending to be a proctologist (Reeve said later his laughing from this incident made him want to live). Williams continued to be a steadfast friend to both Chris and Dana Reeve.

We do learn a lot about Williams’ early life, that he has two half brothers, one from each parent. And that his childhood was one of moving a lot and having to entertain himself. He was lucky that his mother, who looks like Lee Remick–blonde, pearls, patrician– was a hoot, with a wicked sense of humor that often surprised her manic son.



NBC Doubles Down on Megyn Kelly Mess, Will Bring Her Back for A Hot August Night


NBC will not get rid of Megyn Kelly. Her 9am show is unwatchable, it’s draining the ratings of Hoda and Kathie Lee at 10am. Andy Lack doesn’t care.

So now what? Lack is bringing Kelly to prime time next month. I swear, he’s doing it just so I can write how bad the ratings were the next day. Why else? When they did this last year, no one watched. No one will watch again. An NBC press release says she will turn up periodically in prime time. I can’t wait.

Kelly is like screeching chalk on a blackboard. She’s an unrepentant conservative who leers at survivors of rape or incest or bad breeding and says she really relates to them. Then she says something crazy supporting Trump.

So thanks, Andy Lack, and thanks from all the other entertainment writers. You’ve given me ammunition for ratings stories. I needed them.


Paul Simon’s Next Album: Re-recorded Lost Gems from His Catalog Will Coincide with End of Touring


Paul Simon will issue an album of re-recorded lost gems on September 7th, to coincide with his finale of all touring for all time. It’s called “In the Blue Light.” This means that September 7th brings us two Pauls– Simon and McCartney, who’s releasing an album of originals called “Egypt Station.” Somehow it’s fitting that these two geniuses– and I mean it– rail against the dying light, so to speak.

Simon’s album includes two of my favorites of his, “One Man’s Ceiling is Another Man’s Floor” and “Rene and Georgette Magritte with their Dog After the War.” I can’t wait to hear the new versions.

Here’s the breakdown on the songs:
01 One Man’s Ceiling Is Another Man’s Floor
Paul Simon: Vocal, Percussion
Joel Wenhardt: Piano
Nate Smith: Drums
Jim Oblon: Guitar
John Patitucci: Bass
Edie Brickell: Finger Snaps
CJ Camerieri: Trumpet
Andy Snitzer: Saxophone

02 Love
Paul Simon: Vocal, Acoustic Guitar, Percussion, Harmonium
Bill Frisell: Electric Guitar
Steve Gadd: Drums
Renaud Garcia-Fons: Bass

03 Can’t Run But
Paul Simon: Vocal
With yMusic
Arrangement by Bryce Dessner based on the original arrangement from Rhythm of the Saints by Marco Antônio Guimarães

04 How The Heart Approaches What It Yearns
Paul Simon: Vocal
Sullivan Fortner: Piano
Nate Smith: Drums
John Patitucci: Bass
Wynton Marsalis: Trumpet

05 Pigs, Sheep and Wolves
Paul Simon: Vocal, Percussion
Wynton Marsalis: Trumpet
Marcus Printup: Trumpet
Dan Block: Clarinet
Walter Blanding: Saxophone
Wycliffe Gordon: Tuba
Chris Crenshaw: Trombone
Marion Felder: Drums
Herlin Riley: Tambourine
Arrangement by Wynton Marsalis

06 René and Georgette Magritte With Their Dog After the War
Paul Simon: Vocal, Electric Guitar
With yMusic
Arrangement by Robert Sirota

07 The Teacher
Paul Simon: Vocal, Percussion
Odair Assad: Guitar
Sérgio Assad: Guitar
Renaud Garcia-Fons: Bass, Percussion
Walter Blanding: Saxophone
Jamey Haddad: Percussion

08 Darling Lorraine
Paul Simon: Vocal, Percussion
Bill Frisell: Electric Guitar
Vincent Nguini: Electric Guitar
Mark Stewart: Acoustic Guitar
Steve Gadd: Drums
John Patitucci: Bass
With yMusic
Arrangement by Rob Moose

09 Some Folks’ Lives Roll Easy
Paul Simon: Vocal
Sullivan Fortner: Piano, Celeste
Jack DeJohnette: Drums
John Patitucci: Bass
Joe Lovano: Saxophone

10 Questions For The Angels
Paul Simon: Vocal, Acoustic Guitar, Bass Harmonica, Percussion
Bill Frisell: Electric Guitar
Sullivan Fortner: Harmonium, Chromelodeon
John Patitucci: Bass
Skip LaPlante: Percussion

John Travolta “Gotti” Movie Will End Theater Run with $4.3 Million, Lowest Box Office for Actor in Over 20 Years


“Gotti” rolls to the end of its theater release today, ending its ignominious 28 day run with $4.3 million.

“Gotti” may linger, like a virus, but it’s basically over. Its only foreign release was in Hungary, where it made $57,000.

Of course, there could be a DVD release, maybe VOD, etc.

UPDATE: “Gotti,” with a ZERO rating on Rotten Tomatoes, appears to be playing in just one movie theater in the USA– in Staten Island, NY, home of the mob. How fitting.

But the upshot is that this is John Travolta’s lowest grossing movie in 20 years, of all his movies that were released to 500 or more theaters. Along the way there were a couple that went straight to video. But for a movie with 28 producer credits, this is a bomb.

Sources estimate that “Gotti” cost $10 million to make. Another $10 million was added for distribution and promotion. Beyond that, the losses are anyone’s guess. “Gotti” was feted with a big vanity opening in Cannes two months ago. Travolta doesn’t travel cheap. His expenses alone could be as big as the movie’s budget.

UPDATE Stormy Daniels “Won’t Be Intimidated,” Lawyer Says, Will Return to Scene of Crime Tonight at Columbus Strip Club



Stormy Daniels will return to the same club tonight in Columbus, Ohio. Last night detectives who were at the Sirens Gentlemen’s Club said they observed Daniels remove her top and force patrons’ faces into her chest. She spent the night in jail but this morning charges were dropped. Now Stormy– and presumably Avenatti– will return for Part 2.


The charges in Ohio against stripper and whistleblower Stormy Daniels have been dropped. Daniels was arrested overnight in Ohio because someone said she “touched” a viewer of her strip act. It was ridiculous and likely politically motivated since she is going to take down Donald Trump. Stormy’s intrepid lawyer, Michael Avenatti, posted this tweet a few minutes ago: