Tuesday, September 24, 2024
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Stan Lee Sends Video to Comic Con, Says “One of First” He’s Missed in Many Years– Looks Good


Stan Lee, 95, looks pretty good in a video he just sent to Comic Con. Considering all the chaos in his life, Lee seems strong. He tells the Comic Con fans he’s sorry he couldn’t make it. Who knows? He could come back next year. He’s a Marvel.

Paul McCartney Sets Surprise Show in Liverpool, More to Come In Anticipation of New Album


One hundred and fifty years agoBack in 1971, Paul McCartney loaded wife Linda and their new band Wings into a van and drove around the UK surprising small clubs with shows. Ever since then, a hallmark of a McCartney album pre-release has been small shows in surprise locations. I went to one in the summer of 1989 that I’ll never forget at the Lyceum Theater here in New York.

With a new album, “Egypt Station,” coming on September 7th, it looks like Paul is up to his old tricks. (And we’re happy about that.) In Liverpool, he has invited fans to make videos in a contest for a private show. Videos are proliferating on Twitter and other social media.

Next up: maybe a show in NYC, Los Angeles, and who knows where else? Are we ready? Considering the landscape of the world right now, Paul– we need you! *PS “Egypt Station” is number 40 on the Amazon album charts, from pre-orders. Ram on!

Miley Cyrus Wipes Social Media, Signals New Music Tonight: Must Overcome “Younger” Debacle


Welcome back, Miley Cyrus.

The golden throated country-esque singer seems as though she will drop a new single tonight. All her social media has been wiped clean, she’s sent clues to her fans. Miley is back.

If Miley is back, she’d better have something to wipe out the debacle of her last album, “Younger.” Miley couldn’t decide if she was Mrs. Hemsworth or a Twerking Girl. The chaos of the message was accompanied by music no one could figure out. Sales were abysmal.

So let’s hope Miley has great comeback single tonight. Stay tuned…


Best Video of the Day: Dan Coats Ambushed with News About Putin White House Visit, Whoopi Goldberg Goes off On Jeanine Pirro: “Get the F Out of Here!”


A happy summer day.

Live on the air at the Aspen Security Forum, NBC’s Andrea Mitchell informs America’s chief intelligence officer Dan Coats that Donald Trump has invited Vladmir Putin to the White House. At first, Coats doesn’t believe it. His reaction is priceless. “Ok,” he says, that’s going to be special.

Then, Whoopi Goldberg loses it with Jeanine Pirro. Watch to the end. “I very rarely lose my cool,’ Whoopi says. God bless her.
Pirro told her comrade Sean Hannity later on the radio that after the segment:

“When I went off the stage, Sean, I was walking down stairs, and I said something like ‘Whoopi I’ve fought for victims all my life,’” Pirro said. “And she said ‘F you’ in my face, literally spitting at me. ‘F you, get the F out of this building!’ And I said to her ‘did you just say that?’ And she said ‘that’s what I just said, get the F out of this building!.’”

“And she was screaming at me, and I’m walking out of the building like a dog who was just kicked off,” Pirro added. “So forget about what she did to me on set, which was horrific in itself but the treatment by Whoopi Goldberg is typical of what is going on in this country.”

Bruce Springsteen Surprises Billy Joel Fans for 100th Garden Show: Flashback 10 Years to Bruce/Billy for Obama


Bruce Springsteen surprised Billy Joel’s fans tonight for the latter singer’s 100th show at Madison Square Garden. Long Island met New Jersey, but not for the first time. That was back in 2008, when Bruce and Billy did a special show at the Hammerstein Ballroom to raise money for Barack Obama. I was there, and this was what I wrote:


For the first time that anyone could remember anywhere, Long Island pop got to take on New Jersey rock as Billy Joel and Bruce Springsteen put on a historic full length concert last night in Manhattan.

The reason was to raise money and awareness for Barack Obama’s presidential campaign. But for anyone who grew up in the tri state area, the evening meant so much more than that. The two rockers have had parallel careers. They’re about the same age, started at the same time, but occupied two different parts of the New York-New Jersey culture as homeboys.

The result was far from a typical political fundraiser. Instead, it became one of those rare rock concerts that people who were there may remember forever as one of the best of their lives. If we didn’t get to see Sinatra and Bennett, this was the closest thing to it for this generation.

Each singer had a family member on stage too. Springsteen’s wife, Patti Scialfa, played guitar — she was the only musician who wasn’t a member of Billy Joel’s band. And Billy brought his burgeoning pop star daughter, Alexa, who performed a sultry duet with him early in the show of Ray Charles’ “Baby Grand.” Joel also had his current wife, Katie Lee, the cookbook author, and his former wife, Christie Brinkley, Alexa’s mom, who brought her 12-year-old son, Jack.

And of course there were politicians: Nancy Pelosi and Claire McGaskill represented elected officials. Caroline Kennedy introduced the musicians and the reason for the evening. From a box in the Hammerstein Ballroom, Michele Obama watched the show until Barack was able to come over from the annual Al Smith dinner. With Michele was the triumvirate who put together this complicated night: movie mogul Harvey Weinstein, music exec John Sykes, and Vogue editor Anna Wintour.

The only other bold faced names I saw in the whole of the Hammerstein Ballroom were actors Ian McShane, of “Deadwood” fame, and actress Lynn Whitfield. Later, at the afterparty at Cipriani, I ran into New York Daily News publisher Mort Zuckerman, who was so wowed by the show that he only wanted to meet Springsteen.

But I’m jumping ahead. John Legend and India Arie opened the show, singing together brilliantly on a few numbers of Legends including his “Ordinary People.” Her vocals combined with his piano playing made for a socko introduction. But there was more to come, quickly.

Over a two hour period, Springsteen and Joel presented a well chosen list of their alternating hits. After he opened with “Promised Land” and “This Hard Land,” Springsteen gave the bottom for the evening, “I want my country back!” he declared. “I want America back.” Springsteen also warned the audience, joking, not to anticipate too high a standard from the performers. “Palinize your expectations,” he said, coining a new term that got roars of approval from the theater full of Democratic donors. Acting as his own roadie, he packed his guitar and mouth harp in a case, and ceded the stage to Joel, who opened with “I’ve Seen the Lights Go Out On Broadway” and the duet with Alexa.

From then on, though, the night belonged only to the two stars and Billy’s band. They launched into “10th Avenue Freezeout,” then Billy’s “Movin’ Out,” which was dedicated to the Republicans. For “Thunder Road,” Springsteen brought on Roy Bittan on keyboards to supplement Billy, who then sang “A Matter of Trust.” Through all of this, the two men traded verses, piano and guitar licks. The culmination of that was on Bruce’s magnificent “Spirit in the Night,” which had not been rehearsed. Billy told Springsteen to call out chords — “the audience will like that,” he told me later. So Bruce yelled out, “C Minor, C, A. minor” to Billy on the piano. Springsteen playfully inserted Billy’s name into lyrics for other characters, and the number turned out to be an exquisite jam session.

More songs: “Allentown” for Joel, Bruce’s “The Rising,” Billy’s “New York State of Mind” and “River of Dreams,” Bruce’s “Glory Days” and “Born to Run.” The show finally concluded with all four musicians and the band on Curtis Mayfield’s “People Get Ready” and Stevie Wonder’s “Signed Sealed Delivered.” By the time Barack Obama took the stage and gave a gorgeously crafted, eloquent speech, the musicians knew they’d done something quite significant musically, beyond the politics.

At Cipriani afterwards, there was much celebrating, and Harvey Weisntein recalled how he’d produced one of Springsteen’s very first college shows in upstate New York in the early 70s. Billy and Bruce each fessed up about how they’d studied the others’ music for the show. Billy was a little disappointed that Bruce hadn’t subbed in names of New Jersey newspaper for the line “The New York Times, the Daily News” in “New York State of Mind.”

“I told him he could say the Post, but he didn’t want to do that,” Joel said.

Lots of stuff went on backstage, including Christie Brinkley and daughter Alexa getting into a long talk with the Obamas before the senator’s speech. Alexa wound up using Bruce’s hairdryer before she went on stage, and Christie playfully mimed being Bruce with it. India Arie told me she was on her way to Atlanta to finish her new album with plenty of guest stars, including Stevie Wonder. She’s sorry to miss tonight’s Julia Fordham show at the Hiro Ballroom. The two dueted on a Fordham album, “Concrete Love,” a couple of years ago.

And what’s next for the two big stars of the night? Billy is going to go back on tour with Elton John, I’m told. Springsteen is working on what may be a new E Street Band album, a follow up to the super “Magic” of 2007. But really, the next tour should be Billy and Bruce. Or maybe they could run for prez and vice prez. I’d vote for them in a second.

Seymour Stein Out at Warner Music After 51 Years, The Man Who Gave Us Madonna, the Ramones, Pretenders, Talking Heads


Legendary and beloved music man Seymour Stein is out at Warner Music after 51 years.

Seymour is a record business legend, still working as an international talent scout for Warner and their ADA collection of indie labels. He’s always been there. He started Sire Records 51 years ago, and brought the world Madonna, The Ramones, Pretenders, Talking Heads, Depeche Mode, Seal, so many others, as well my favorite– the great one off single, Plastic Bertrand’s “Ca Plan Pour Moi?”

The news that he’s leaving comes as a shock since Stein was just honored two nights ago in Los Angeles for his Special Merit Grammy Award. A story about his tribute was just posted to the Warner Music Group website. He’s also just published a bestselling memoir called, “Siren Song: My Life in Music.” It’s full of juicy tidbits from his earliest days, like when he ran the charts at Billboard magazine.

But this is where we are in the music business.

Like Clive Davis, Seymour Stein is the last of the great record execs, music mavens of all time. He carved out a place for himself when he launched Sire, one of the few dependable labels within the shaky Warner Music Group. He survived the 1995-96 flip when Warner was sold to business killer Edgar Bronfman, Jr. And he survived again when Bronfman finally cashed out and sold to Len Blavatnik’s ACCESS Group. (I’m surprised, frankly, that Blavatnik is letting Stein exit.)

But Warner Music is a shell of its old self even when it’s trying to rebound. The heyday is over. Stein said in his exit statement today that he was eager to get back to his “indie roots.”

He said: “I was very fortunate during my youth to learn from so many great indie label people, like Ahmet and Nesuhi Ertegun and Jerry Wexler at Atlantic, and my greatest mentor, Syd Nathan at King Records,” said Stein in his announcement. “I went on to work with so many other great indies around the world as Sire grew to become the legendary brand it is today. From the bottom of my heart, I want to thank all the amazing artists — far too many to name — who have called Sire home over the years.”

Stein has also been one of the few stabilizing voices at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, especially since the death of Ahmet Ertegun. Seymour has constantly stood up for early influencers, side man, R&B acts that Jann Wenner has ignored.

I am eager to hear Seymour’s next move. He’s young as springtime and one of the few connections to the industry’s heyday. Viva Seymour Stein!

Venice Film Festival Chooses Ryan Gosling-Damien Chazelle Neil Armstrong Story “First Man” as Opener


Oscar season has begun.

The Venice Film Festival has chosen Damien Chazelle’s “First Man” as its opener. The film reunites Chazelle with Ryan Gosling as astronaut Neil Armstrong, the first man who walked on the moon.

“First Man” comes from Dreamworks/Universal and right now, without anyone seeing anything but a trailer, this film is the number 1 choice for Best Picture 2019. It follows in the footsteps of “Apollo 13,” another Best Picture. Plus Chazelle and Gosling were screwed over on “La La Land.”

Venice begins on August 29th, just as Telluride is starting, and a week before the Toronto Film Festival. We still have no news on those festivals, but the New York Film Festival has chosen “Roma,” a Spanish languae film by the great Alfonso Cuaron as its centerpiece film in October.

More announcements are coming, and fast. Can you believe we’re going to play this game one more time? Oh, yes, soup to nuts, and I mean nuts, here we go !


Oscars: Harvey Weinstein’s Gone But His Legacy as Awards Player Resonates with Moves at Netflix


Harvey Weinstein may be gone from the movie biz. But his Oscar legacy lives on.

Lisa Taback, Oscar specialist, has decided to take her whole staff and move over to Netflix. Lisa was Harvey’s main Oscar guide for years, but cut loose from him a couple of years ago– well before his scandals emerged last October. Her shop is one of the top places studios go to to get extra Oscar vavoom. But Netflix is where the money is (ask Bruce Springsteen).

But Taback’s skills may be more for TV and the Emmys now as Netflix scored a record 112 nominations this year. Taback’s group is certainly going to be looking to reap big rewards in that department.

And Taback isn’t the only Weinstein alum out there who helped garner those huge numbers of wins and nominations at TWC and Miramax. Dani Weinstein and Brad Thompson moved last year to Focus Features, where they’re working that old magic this season on films like “Boy Erased.” At 20th Century Fox, former Miramax star Heather Phillips runs the show. There are plenty more former Harvey publicists out there, too, who know the ropes, Cynthia Swartz of Strategy PR with Michael Kupferberg. They’re all stars to us who type away!

Netflix Ponies Up for “Springsteen on Broadway,” Will Tape and Air Hit Show On Closing Night in December


And the winner is… Netflix. Of course.

Netflix has announced it’s going to air Bruce Springsteen’s “Springsteen on Broadway” on December 15th, the same night the Boss closes his extraordinary run of 236 performances. “Springsteen on Broadway” began previews and opened in October 2017.

There was a lot of speculation about who would be the winner of this plum. HBO was the obvious choice. But Netflix is willing to spend more than anyone on anything right now, so they’re the unsurprising winner.

Springsteen has averaged $2.4 million a week since opening on Broadway and should continue that way right til the end. His manager, Jon Landau, produces the show. Without much overhead– there’s no set to speak of, and no other frills– Springsteen and Landau are basically renting the theater. Their expenses are minimal. So “SOB” has been a superb money maker. You can bet down the line there will be a DVD and CD release of the show.

If you can get in to see Bruce on Broadway, meantime, it’s well worth it, a once in a lifetime opportunity.

Oscars: This Year’s “Call Me By Your Name,” About Gay Conversion Therapy, Features YouTube Break Out Pop Star Troye Sivan


Everyone’s looking for this year’s “Call Me By Your Name.” Well, Focus Features has it– “Boy Erased,” starring Lucas Hedges as a teen whose parents– Nicole Kidman and Russell Crowe– send him to gay conversion therapy. (No, Mike Pence will not be at the premiere.)

Featured in the film is Troye Sivan, the now 23 year old pop star who I wrote about– first – back in 2014. Sivan broke out as a YouTube star that year and literally willed himself to Hollywood.He’s had a bunch of hits since then, he’s written and recorded with other kids of his generation like Ariana Grande. In “Boy Erased,” he plays Hedges’ first love and he’s got a song in the movie that could be eligible for the Oscar.

I am really glad my nieces pointed him out to me when they were starting high school. Now they’ve graduated and are headed for college. But their real success so far was turning me on to Troye, and to Shawn Mendes. (We went to his first ever show.)