Monday, September 23, 2024
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Revelation: Anthony Bourdain Was Defending Asia Argento, Attacking Harvey Weinstein, At the Same He Was Helping “Navigate” Settlement with Underage Actor


Anthony Bourdain committed suicide on June 8th. His death was a shock until some associated his abrupt decision with tabloid photographs of girlfriend Asia Argento cavorting with a young Italian journalist.

But now this comes to light: Bourdain and his attorney were helping Argento navigate a settlement and $380,000 pay off to an underage actor she allegedly raped. It’s mind boggling.

Bourdain had been Argento’s steadfast supporter, speaking out against her alleged rapist, Harvey Weinstein. He was fully committed to her cause, to #MeToo, and loyal to his girlfriend.

According to the New York Times story this evening, the actor Jimmy Bennett, now 22, sent a letter of intent to Bourdain’s lawyer last November. That lawyer, Richard Hofstetter, was also representing Argento at the time. The intent to sue was also sent to Argento’s lawyer, Carrie Goldberg.

The amount of hypocrisy here is overwhelming. Goldberg, for one, has carried on and on via social media about Weinstein, all the while defending Argento but knowing this case was pressing against Argento. And think of it– the Bennett claim came in November, just a few weeks after the Weinstein case broke.

Bourdain told several interviewers he imagined “Weinstein beaten to death.” He called out Hillary Clinton for not coming down harder on Weinstein when the stories came out. But at the very same time, he was helping Argento gag Jimmy Bennett, who accused her of raping him at 17? What was going on here?

Imagine that Bourdain was helping Argento get out of a jam involving sexual misconduct while he was defending her and denouncing Weinstein. And then at the same time, photos turn up in Italian and UK tabloids of Argento cavorting with a young Italian journalist. Something is not right here. Was Bourdain so caught up in Argento’s cause and then so Svengali’d by here?

Shocking Turn of Events in Harvey Weinstein Case: NY Times Reveals Asia Argento Paid Off Her Own Sex Misconduct Victim


In what is certainly a shocking turn of events, the Harvey Weinstein story has been turned upside down.

The New York Times reports that actress Asia Argento, who claims Weinstein raped her, actually paid off a young actor named Jimmy Bennett after attacking him sexually. The attack took place in 2013. The pay off — $380,000- – came since the #Metoo revelations started last year– and were concluded this spring right before Argento– who has been militant in her crusade against Weinstein– made a wild impromptu speech at Cannes saying Weinstein had used the festival as hunting ground.

Argento’s stunning hypocrisy comes on the heels of a catastrophic spring and summer for her. Not long after the Cannes Film Festival, her boyfriend– Anthony Bourdain– committed suicide. The suicide followed a week of photographs in Italian and UK newspapers of Argento “canoodling” with a young Italian journalist. Many on line have cited the photos as a catalyst for Bourdain’s suicide.

According to the Times report, Argento had played the mother of actor Jimmy Bennett when he was six years old in 2004 film called “The Heart Is Deceitful Above All Things.” Bennett claimed that Argento assaulted him in 2013, when he was 17. The complaint was public because California doesn’t have NDAs to cover civil matters.

According to the Times, Bennett said in a filing against Argento that this is what happened: “Ms. Argento … gave him alcohol to drink and showed him a series of notes she had written to him on hotel stationery. Then she kissed him, pushed him back on the bed, removed his pants and performed oral sex. She climbed on top of him and the two had intercourse, the document says. She then asked him to take a number of photos.”

This revelation should rock the Harvey Weinstein case, especially in New York where Argento was considered a key witness. Weinstein has maintained right along that he and Argento had a four year consensual relationship and that he never raped her. Much of the prosecution’s case has been based on Argento’s forthrightness to testify and to support other alleged victims. But this report would seem to shatter her position of being any assistance in any case against Weinstein.

to be continued…

Janet Jackson Is Back! Has Her First Top 10 Hit Since 2001 With Infectious, Joyous “Made for Now”


Never say never.

Janet Jackson has her first top 10 hit since 2001 with “Made for Now,” a collaboration with Daddy Yankee.

The record is great, but the response comes straight from an over the top knock out performance on the “Tonight” show on Friday. That, plus the video for the song, has made it number 4 on iTunes, competing with the new Ariana Grande single and the avalanche of sales for Aretha Franklin’s singles.

Janet’s last actual hit was in 2001. That was “Someone to Call My Lover” with Jermaine Dupri. I know, you’re thinking, it can’t be so long ago. But after that Janet’s recording career became a mess. Her last two singles didn’t even chart. And before that, “No Sleeep,” with too many e’s, made it just to number 63.

So what happened? I’ll tell you: “Made for Now” is an actual song, with a chorus that’s conventional, understandable, and singable. Also, the video is ebullient, euphoric, and triumphant. It’s reminiscent of “Smooth.” It’s joyous. Director Dasve Meyer captured some magic, and it’s infectious.

Janet isn’t even on a conventional record label anymore. She released “Made for Now” on her own Rhythm Nation records, distributed by indie group Cinq Records. She’s had 8 million views on YouTube for the video proper. I’ve added the Tonight show clip after that. Janet is back, kids. I’d say this would be the year for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame to do the right thing.

One PS: In all those years, Janet never stopped trying. She lived through Michael’s death, her own waning popularity, poor ticket sales, a bad marriage, her crazy family. Persistence– and talent– have paid off.


Paul McCartney’s New Single, “Fuh You,” Inspired by Apple Records Banned 1968 Cult Release


We all know about the Beatles’ Apple Records. It was started in 1968 by the Fab Four. And those early releases must be on Paul McCartney’s mind these days.

McCartney’s new single from his forthcoming “Egypt Station” album is called, cheekily, “Fuh You.” There are gigantic billboards up in certain locations, sponsored by Spotify, promoting the title.

But the whole “Fuh You” promotion harkens back to 1969, when you couldn’t say such things on the radio. (I’m not sure you can now, except on Spotify.)

The first singles on Apple were the Beatles’ “Hey Jude” (number 1 for seven weeks 50 years ago) and Mary Hopkins’ “Those Were the Days.” Badfinger would follow with “Come and Get It,” as asll as James Taylor with his first album.

But it turns out the record numbered 8 in the Apple Records box set (also available as a track on the Apple greatest hits CD, on was called “The King of Fuh.” The record was credited to an artist named Brute Force. In actuality this was just a nice Jewish kid from Jersey City called Stephen Friedland, who in the 1960s was a member of The Tokens, the group that sang “The Lion Sleeps Tonight.” In 1968 he confected a novelty pop song called “King of Fuh” (lyrics includes: “There was a beautiful land called Fuh. And in this land there was a king. And everybody called him the Fuh King”!!!)

Our friend and Beatles scholar Martin Lewis says:

“George Harrison heard the song courtesy of Nat Weiss – the US attorney for the then recently-deceased Beatles manager Brian Epstein. George immediately loved it and licensed the song for release on Apple. By Beatles protocol, this of course required the agreement of all four Beatles. John and George were both enthused fans of the song and Paul and Ringo also gave the release their blessing.

Alas Apple’s UK & US distributors (EMI and Capitol respectively) both point-blank refused to circulate the record because of the references to “Fuh-King”. A couple of thousand copies were covertly pressed by the Beatles and given away to pals of the band and their legendary publicist Derek Taylor. And then the record was done. The King of Fuh was no more…”
And, as noted, it’s now easily available via amazon and the Apple Records’ compilations.

Box Office: Kevin Spacey’s Last Film Has $400 Weekend, Mark Wahlberg’s “Mile 22” Is a Career Low


For some, it was not a great weekend at the box office.

While “Crazy Rich Asians” secured $25 million and finished at number 1, others were not so lucky.

Kevin Spacey’s final movie before his scandals sank his career, “Billionaire Boys Club,” made less than $500 for the weekend. That’s right– less than five hundred dollars. The movie debuted a few weeks ago on VOD, but no one watched it there either. Spacey has been totally missing in action since accusations of sexual misconduct first surfaced. Since then there have been lawsuits and investigations.

Then there’s the Peter Berg-Mark Wahlberg “Mile 22.” They made $13.6 million for the weekend. It’s not a lifetime low for Wahlberg but pretty close. He makes a lot of movies, and I mean a lot. But in four years this is his worst showing.

Sony/Studio 8 also had a failure this weekend with something called “Alpha.” An origin story of how early man and dogs became friends didn’t make any friends at the box office. The box office was $10 million, the movie is said to have cost $60 million.

It’s the end of summer, there’s a lot of flotsam and jetsam floating around in theaters. Two more weeks, Labor Day will come, and a new season will begin. I’ll bet no one is more anxious than theater owners. I don’t blame them.

Aretha Franklin Takes 21 out of the top 100 iTunes Singles, “Respect” Fends off New Ariana Grande, Janet Jackson Releases


It’s Saturday morning, forty eight hours after the passing of the greatest singer of our lifetime, Aretha Franklin.

And what a tribute to her the fans have made: Aretha now has 21 of the top 100 singles on the iTunes charts.

The number 1 single is still “Respect,” and Aretha has numbers 2 and 3 also. She has fended off new releases from Janet Jackson and Ariana Grande.

On the albums chart, Aretha’s Greatest Hits is number 2. She has 17 albums in the top 100 all together.

Over on’s CDs and Digital downloads chart, Aretha has the top three albums. Then there are about 15 others scattered through the top 100.

Aretha’s posthumous success has also been good for Carole King, who wrote “(You Make Me Feel Like a) Natural Woman” with Gerry Goffin and Jerry Wexler in 1968. King’s “Tapestry” album is also selling, with her version recorded three years later.

I know Aretha is watching this whole phenomenon and smiling from heaven. But boy oh boy, we miss her. Still, she and Otis Redding must be having a good time watching “Respect” soar through the world right now!

Box Office: “Crazy Rich Asians” Is Out of the Box Hit, Number 1 for the Weekend, Beats “The Meg”


Never bet against “Crazy Rich Asians.” Jon M. Chu’s Cinderella-esque comedy set in Singapore among upscale Chinese is number 1 for the weekend. Last night the terrifically funny film made $7.6 million, bringing its total since Wednesday to $16 million. By tomorrow night, another $14 million or more will be added.

“Crazy Rich Asians” has become a phenomenon, but almost not a surprise. Warner Bros. marketing was very clever setting it up for weeks and weeks. The smell of success was in the air, that’s for sure. Releasing mid week also helped, since there was nothing else out there except “The Meg,”which already had its big launch, “Mission: Impossible,” already pretty much spent of its audience, and the more serious Spike Lee hit, “Blackkklansman.”

“Crazy Rich Asians” could be called “Chi-nasty,” as in the Chinese version of the TV show “Dynasty.” On its face, it’s a simple story of a girl from the wrong side of the tracks who thinks she might marry into a rich, exclusive family. The only problem is the wicked mother of the potential groom who doesn’t think she’s good enough for her son or the family. We’ve been here before many times.

The screenplay, frankly, is clunky. It reads like “My Big Fat Chinese Wedding.” Some of the material is cringe-worthy. It’s a fish out of water story, true. But an an examination of a culture foreign to us in the west, this is no “Slumdog Millionaire” by any means.

And yet, “Crazy Rich Asians” offers a lot that is unexpected. It’s about empowerment, for one thing. Young women can identify with it as the main character, Constance Wu’s Rachel, is no victim. She rises to the 0ccasion and meets her enemy– potential mother in law played to the hilt by Michelle Yeoh–and vanquishes her. There are also nicely orchestrated subplots for the supporting characters, and a knockout comedy turn by Awkwafina in her second success of the season (the first was “Oceans 8”).

Mostly, you leave “Crazy Rich Asians” on a high note. The audience feels great. Not only do they want a sequel, they want to visit Singapore. It’s the best PR they’ve gotten since the days when it was known for punishing tourists by caning.

Chu’s next big job is directing the movie version of Lin Manuel Miranda’s “In the Heights.” Now that we’ve seen what he can really do, that project looks even more exciting. Bring it on!


Exclusive: Ruth Wilson’s Exit from Showtime’s “The Affair” Was About #Metoo, Not Pay Parity After All


I wrote a couple of weeks ago that actress Ruth Wilson’s abrupt exit from Showtime’s “The Affair” may have been about pay parity. Wilson had complained about being paid less than her male co-stars last winter. Then her character, Allison, was killed off the series despite Wilson having won a Golden Globe and being the central character in the story. Suddenly, she was gone.

Now I can tell you that whatever happened to Wilson on “The Affair” was not about pay parity. It was about #Metoo. I am told that an incident on set led to her demand to be let out of her contract. The incident did not involve either of her male co-stars, Joshua Jackson or Dominic West. But it happened while this past season was shooting. Allison’s murder had to be invented to accommodate Wilson’s quick departure.

But Wilson’s problem on “The Affair” was not singular to her. In January, an actress named Ashlynn Alexander filed a sexual harassment suit against Showtime and “The Affair.” Alexander worked on many episodes of “The Affair” as Wilson’s stand in. She claims that after being sexually harassed by assistant director Travis Rehwaldt she complained to the production and was let go five days later.

According to Alexander’s complaint, Rehwaldt had listed her on the call sheet for shooting on September 17, 2015 as “Allison Sexytime Double.”

When Ms. Alexander asked for an explanation for her termination, she was told that she did not have a good hair match with Wilson and “The Affair” was looking for someone else to fill her former role. Ms. Alexander knew that this was untrue, since she had been wearing a wig for the duration of her work as Wilson’s body double, without issue. The actress hired to replace Ms. Alexander, Stephanie Corbett, also wears a wig  in order to properly match Wilson’s hair.”

Alexander’s case is very much active, according to her attorney. I am assured by sources that Rehwaldt is not involved in whatever happened to Wilson.
But Wilson herself gave away a little of the story yesterday on “CBS This Morning.” She told Gayle King that she did ask to leave the show, but she wasn’t allowed to talk about it. King looked surprised. But Wilson obviously signed an NDA and settled with Showtime. Ironically, CBS owns Showtime. And CBS’s leader, Les Moonves, is under investigation for sexual harassment himself.  Wilson also told King that pay parity had not come up as an issue with Showtime.

EXCLUSIVE The Real Story of How Aretha Franklin Sang “Nessun Dorma” at the 1998 Grammy Awards


I’m seeing a lot of fictional stories about Aretha Franklin on the interwebs this morning.

Here’s the real story of how the Queen of Soul became the Queen of Opera on the 1998 Grammy Awards, held in New York at Radio City Music Hall.

Pierre Cossette was the producer of the Grammys from the beginning until his own end. Pierre invented the concept of interesting mash ups, presenting two or three artists together on stage whom you wouldn’t normally associate with each other.

That year, Pierre– was who brilliant in this regard and many others–came up with the idea to match Aretha with opera legend Luciano Pavarotti. They would sing Puccini’s “Nessun Dorma” together. Aretha would sing the English part, Pavarotti, the Italian. It was a done deal.

I was very lucky to have been invited into the production truck parked on the side of Radio City. I was in there most of the night with Pierre, to write about what he went through on a Grammy night.

There are several misconceptions about what happened during that show. First of all, Pavarotti was not ill in any way. He was there, at Radio City, upstairs in his dressing room. He simply wouldn’t go on, as planned. No manner of cajoling or persuasion could make him come downstairs and sing. He just wasn’t into it. He was never “ailing.” He was just being petulant.

That was the call Pierre received. I was standing two feet from him when he got the call. “I have to go upstairs and convince Pavarotti to sing,” Pierre said, and he took off out the door.

Twenty minutes later, Pierre was back, and relieved. “Pavarotti won’t do it,” he said. “But Aretha can do the whole thing. She studied the Italian as well as the English!”

Indeed, as I discussed with Aretha many times over the years, she had rehearsed “Nessun Dorma” as Puccini had written it. Of course she had. Aretha, a student of classical music, who appreciated and understood it, would never have done less.

Pierre went to Sting, who was on the show, to ask a favor. The former Police front man went out on stage and basically made up a story. He said that Pavarotti was ill, was at home (somewhere), and couldn’t make tonight’s performance. Then he introduced Aretha.

Aretha’s solo performance of “Nessun Dorma” was thrilling, and so unexpected, the audience went wild. It literally changed her career. Ever since then “Nessun Dorma” was worked into her shows. She even sang it for the Pope when we went to Philadelphia in September 2016. His eyes were wide with delight as the orchestra swelled behind her.


Aretha Franklin Never “Worked” for Donald Trump, And She Stopped Staying at His NY Hotel


Donald Trump remembered the great Aretha Franklin today as someone who “worked” for him. I don’t know who or what he’s talking about– and neither does he. She never, ever worked for him in any capacity. (Trump told a press pool this morning “I want to begin today by expressing my condolences to the family of a person I knew well. She worked for me on numerous occasions.”

More importantly, Aretha was very much against Trump’s policies and political platforms. She was against them so much that she stopped staying in the Trump International Hotel in Columbus Circle once he announced his presidential campaign.

The last time Aretha stayed at the Trump may have been Memorial Day, 2014. She cooked a Memorial Day barbeque in the two kitchens of her double suite for me, a few friends, her son Kecalf, and his two teenage kids. She sent the door man out to get the base for bbq sauce. It was so good that we joked she was going to market “Aretha’s Hot Sauce.”

After that, Aretha stopped staying at the Trump and moved to the Ritz Carlton, formerly the St. Moritz, on Central Park South. She made that her New York headquarters and threw several parties there. The Ritz Carlton loved her. Aretha was most certainly a supporter of Hillary Clinton, and not Donald Trump.