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UPDATE Billy Crystal Ignores Friars Club Scandals Including Sex Harassment Suit, Will Accept Icons Award


UPDATE SEPTEMBER 13TH, 7PM: Billy Crystal will ignore the scandals at the Friars Club, and accept the Icon Award in November. Let’s hope Federal Agents aren’t in the audience.

EXCLUSIVE Billy Crystal is such a good guy. I’m told he’s almost agreed to host some kind of awards show for the Friars Club this fall.

But good guy Billy lives in Los Angeles, and doesn’t know what’s going on at 57 East 55th St. No one’s told him about the raid by federal postal inspectors on the Friars headquarters on Valentine’s Day 2017. He also doesn’t know about the settled sexual harassment suit brought by a former receptionist.

What Billy really doesn’t know is that the Friars Club is drowning in red ink. I have their 2017 financial report issued by Reardon Accountants on May 24, 2018. The first warning sign in the report should send up red flags at the IRS: We did not audit or review the financial statements nor were we required to perform any procedures to verify the accuracy or completeness of the information provided by management…

“…Management has elected to omit substantially all of the disclosures required by accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. If the omitted disclosures were included in the financial statements, they might influence the user’s conclusions about the Company’s financial position, results of operations, and cash flows.”

What the???

The settlement with Rehanna Almestica, the receptionist who sued for sexual harassment, must have been huge. Almestica claimed that Friars’ celebrity wranger Bruce Charet regularly made sexually explicit phone calls to her and that the Friars Club fired her after she complained.

So it’s not surprised that under Expenses in the Reardon report, the Friars listed $3.8 million for Employee Compensation and Benefits. This number was considerably higher than both their revenue from the restaurants in their club house ($2.3 million) and dues from paying members ($3.2 million). The Friars claimed a net loss “before termination expense and legal and professional fees– extraordinary” — for 2017 of $559,832.

When this report was prepared in May, there was no mention of a pending lawsuit from former employees for over $300,000, recently reported in the New York Post.

The Friars National Association, a 501 (c) 3 charity, has not filed a form 990 tax return, by the way, since 2015.

As for contingencies, the report includes a note from the Club at least conceding they are being scrutinized by the Feds: “In connection with the investigation by the US Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York which commenced in 2017, legal counsel as informed management that the Friars National Association Inc nor any of its officers, directors, or employees have been accused of criminal conduct. The Club has cooperated constructively with the authorities. Legal counsel has not seen proof of criminality in its investigation and believes criminal charges are not a likely result.”

The group concedes in the report that they’re also under a New York State tax audit for the period of March 1, 2013 to August 31, 2015– during which they staged their hugely unsuccessful Lincoln Awards (which incurred $1.6 million in unspecified expenses and was put together by group exec Bruce Charet, the subject of Almestica’s lawsuit.

There’s no response yet from Billy Crystal, but I’m sure he’ll be happy to see all this in black and white before he agrees to pitch in– no matter how good a guy he is.

“Fear” on the Rise: Bob Woodward Take Out on Trump White House Number 1 A Week Before Publication


Tuesday was a crazy day in almost every respect thanks to the Senate Judiciary Committee.

But the bigger news is that Bob Woodward’s evisceration of the Trump White House, called “Fear,” is number 1 on amazon in hardcover and Kindle a week before its publication.

The excerpts in the Washington Post, followed by Trump’s denunciation, and the revelation of the taped phone call between Woodward and Trump– all of it has sent the book soaring in pre-sales.

Release date isn’t until next Tuesday.

Woodward’s book comes on the heels of Michael Wolff’s bestselling “Fire and Fury”– which will return as a paperback in January with new information and updated revelations after the mid term elections.

Since then we’ve also had the Omarosa and Sean Spicer books– each flops after brief sales flares. But “Fear” is going to be the big one, and its publication will likely have consequences we can’t even predict. So hold on!

Respect! Aretha Franklin Honored with Detroit Amphitheater Tribute, Replacing Name of 18th Century Slave Owners


Detroit’s Chene Park on the Detroit River is no more.

Detroit’s City Council unanimously approved a resolution on Tuesday that will rename Chene Park in honor of the late Aretha Franklin. Chene Park will now become Aretha Louise Franklin Amphitheater. What an amazing tribute.

Detroit mayor Mike Duggan announced his intention to make the change at Aretha’s funeral last Friday.

Chene was originally named for a French slave owner Charles Chene, who lived from 1732-1805. He was the original owner of the land. The change is long overdue, and incredible honor.

Chene Park started out as a small stage where people sat on blankets along the river. Now it’s a thriving entertainment center with a beautiful setting. It’s also not far from the luxury apartment complex where Aretha died on August 16th.

“Aretha Louise Franklin was a life-long Detroiter, internationally beloved and acclaimed musician, and inspiration to multiple generations of music-lovers,” the resolution reads. “Her well-known support and activism towards advancing civil rights and women’s rights is a legacy that mirrors the ideals of the City of Detroit and its residents.”

The park was the site of a monumental free concert last Thursday night in memory of Aretha that featured Jean Carne, Sarah Dash, a brilliant dance number from Aretha’s famed choreographer friend George Faison, Regina Belle, the Four Tops and others.

“Coyote Ugly” Star Piper Perabo Among Those Arrested for Protesting at Kavanaugh Hearing


Piper Perabo, maybe best known for the movie “Coyote Ugly,” tweeted this afternoon that she was arrested at the Brett Kavanaugh hearing for peaceful protest. The charge was civil disobedience. Right on! Perabo starred in the USA series “Covert Affairs” from 2010-2014. She has several movies in the can and some in pre-production. Good for her!

The New Yorker Disinvites Steve Bannon from Festival After Jim Carrey, Jack Antonoff Pull Out, Other Celebs Protest


UPDATE: David Remnick has disinvited Bannon from the Festival. He wrote to the staff: “”I don’t want well-meaning readers and staff members to think that I’ve ignored their concerns. I’ve thought this through and talked to colleagues––and I’ve re-considered. I’ve changed my mind. There is a better way to do this.”


EARLIER The New Yorker has made a big mistake, it turns out. They invited much hated neo Nazi and white supremacist ex Trump White House shit disturber Steve Bannon to be part of their New Yorker Festival, interviewed by editor in chief David Remnick.

Now, a bunch of celebrities have pulled out of the festival in protest of Bannon’s appearance. Jim Carrey, Jack Antonoff, Judd Apatow, John Mullaney have each notified the world via social media they are out. And that means more will follow. What a mess.

Carrey wrote on Twitter: “Bannon? And me? On the same program? Could never happen.”

Antonoff: “i’m no longer going to be speaking/performing at the new yorker festival as long as steve bannon is there.i always saw the new yorker festival as a wonderful moment to celebrate culture. so when they told me it would kacey musgraves, zadie smith and mike birbiglia etc – i was all in. steve bannon — respectfully that’s a full no for me and normalization of white supremacy ”

Social media is jumping with comments against Bannon. Personally, I’d go, except the event is at the Ethical Cultural Society, which seems to be a contradiction of everything Bannon stands for.

The New Yorker staff didn’t think this through, obviously. Remnick wrote to the New Yorker staff this note, which didn’t help:

But it’s not just celebs who are protesting. Subscribers are saying they’re cancelling their subscriptions. There’s an open revolt among staff, some of whom are posting criticism of Remnick.

Even the Ethical Culture Society is upset. “Our auditorium was rented for this outside event, and we’re just learning about the lineup ourselves. Rest assured we stand against everything Steve Bannon represents, and will issue a statement shortly.”


Stay tuned, keep refreshing…



Jerry Lewis’s Labor Day Telethon Long Gone, Muscular Dystrophy Association Continues Yearly Drops in Revenue


It was 2011 when MDA, the Muscular Dystrophy Association, committed fundraising suicide. They ousted their standard bearer, Jerry Lewis, and instigated the end of a nearly 50 year tradition of the Labor Day telethon.

Remember the Labor Day telethon? That’s what you’d be watching right now– Ed McMahon live from Las Vegas, everyone from Mitzi Gaynor to the Bay City Rollers showing up, the constant hope that Dean Martin would come and make peace with Jerry, the echoes of the Rat Pack keeping it all afloat.

By 2012, it was all gone. Lewis had been insulted and humiliated, MDA lost its network, the reason we even knew those initials began to disappear.

In 2016, according to their federal tax filing, MDA’s total revenue was down by $6.5 million, from $126.5 million to $120 million. In 2013, total revenue– already in decline– was still at $150 million. That was $7 million less than the prior year, 2012.

Certainly, a lot of families and individuals who are living with muscular dystrophy and associated illnesses must be feeling the financial crunch. They are also seeing a much lower public profile for their cause. For better or worse, Jerry Lewis kept them on the front burner of public consciousness.

You’ll be happy to know, though, that the CEO, Steven Derks, still making $550,000 a year, and that all the other executives are still pulling down six figure salaries.

Jerry Lewis died a year ago, at the age of 91. He was never thanked or apologized to by MDA. Their bad karma is only getting worse.


Diana Ross’s Tiny Memorial Arrangement for Aretha Franklin’s Funeral Was Dwarfed by Other Celebs Including Barbra Streisand, Beyonce and Jay Z, Mariah Carey


Diana Ross had better check with her florist. The plant with her name and card on it was the smallest of the two dozen or more memorial arrangements that arrived at Greater Grace Temple on Friday.

Arrangements varied on size, most were on the large or innovative side, and very striking. The senders included Duke Fakir, the last original member of the Four Tops, Barbra Streisand, “The Carters” (presumably Beyonce and Jay Z), R&B great Sam Moore (who also sent a setting from the late Billy Preston), the family of the late Curtis Mayfield (a circle of red roses that read Loving Friend Aretha), Tony Bennett, the Elton John AIDs Foundation, Jimmy Fallon, the family of Aretha’s late producer Arif Mardin, Mariah Carey, the family of Otis Redding, the Ray Charles Foundation, the families respectively of James Brown and Mahalia Jackson, The Jacksons, and so on.

The arrangements were lined up in the church lobby on display before they were taken to the cemetery for internment. Diana Ross’s small blue plant was dwarfed by those around it. The arrangement from the Four Tops was like a Christmas tree with a big musical signature note on the top in silver. All the arrangements stood up and were spectacular (crosses made out of flowers from both Sam Moore and Mariah Carey.

Ross’s was a tiny blue plant set in a plastic holder that sat on the floor. At first I didn’t notice it until a woman I didn’t know sort of gasped behind me and exclaimed, “That’s all Diana Ross sent!” Ross and Franklin, contemporaries, grew up in Detroit and many friends in common. I replied, “Well, you know, it’s a funeral, we shouldn’t…”

The woman, who was local and African American, said, “Don’t start defending Diana Ross!”

Well, Aretha would have loved the gossip aspect of this.

I loved the note on Sam Moore’s arrangement, it made me cry, “Re, you know I always loved you to bits and pieces, even when we would fuss. Rest now in God’s Almighty loving heavenly embrace. ”

Amen. Hey, at least she sent something. Several people who shall go unnamed were MIA.

Elton John:

The Carters– Beyonce and Jay Z



“Crazy Rich Asians” Hits $111 Million, A Milestone for Original Non-Sequel Comedy-Drama


Every hit this summer was either a comic book movie, a sequel to a comic book or a sequel to something.

Not “Crazy Rich Asians.” A totally original comedy-drama, the Asian-American-Asian phenom is a sequel to nothing. Today it hits $111 million at the box office, which is a milestone if not a record, and much to be congratulated. Hurrah!

Of course, soon there will be two “Crazy Rich Asian” sequels, but this one will be the template for success. In a year that brought us the huge success of “Black Panther” and the critical success of “Blackkklansman,” the soaring triumph of “Crazy Rich Asians” should also teach Hollywood that there’s a world out there, and it doesn’t all look like the executives.

Meantime, crappy pictures like “Happytime Murders” and “Papillon” are DOA.



TV: Emmy Rossum Is Leaving Showtime’s “Shameless” After 9 Seasons So She Can Have a Movie Career


Emmy Rossum is leaving “Shameless” after nine seasons. Believe it or not, she’s only 32. If she leaves now, she can have the movie career she was supposed to have. She was starting to make headway in movies when she got “Shameless,” and that became her career. Smart and beautiful, and really talented, Rossum is going to hit the movie world big time. She’s already got one film, called “Hard Powder,” with Liam Neeson and Laura Dern, set for 2019.

She posted a lovely explanation on Facebook about her departure:

It’s a hard thing to put into words, feelings. But I’m going to try.

This business is always an adventure, full of travel and opportunities to tell stories. Usually as an actor, every few months, you travel to a new place, start a new project, build a new character, learn new rhythms, new inside jokes with your crew, make new friends.

Until “Shameless” came into my life 8 years ago, I led that kind of transient wonderful life of an actor. And I never realized how much I actually craved the kind of continuity that this show has given me. And given all of us in the crew. Season after season I’m amazed that our same crew comes back. And it’s not just because it’s a wonderfully written, wonderfully layered show. There are these real connections, real friendships that bring us back season after season after season.

See, in real life, unlike Fiona, I’m an only child. I never had a big family. Being ensconced in that messy Gallagher family love is something I’d always dreamed of. But even off set, it feels real. We’ve watched the kids grow up into the strong, talented, independent human beings that they are. I taught Emma to shave her legs. I was there when Ethan learned to drive. Shanola and Jeremy and Joan and Bill danced at my wedding in New York last year. Our fearless leader John Wells thankfully held Sam and me up on those rickety chairs during the hora. I’ve spent the Jewish holy days in temple with David Nevins and his wonderful wife and kids. It really feels like a family.

This kind of stability, this family, has nurtured me and made feel safe enough to stretch and grow creatively. The way John Wells has shepherded me as an actress, and more recently how he’s encouraged me wholeheartedly as a director and a writer, has been an honor and a privilege.

We have made over 100 hours of television. That’s no small feat. There’s a new study that says it takes 100 hours to become friends with someone. The Gallaghers have been in people’s living rooms for 100 hours. So, it makes sense. We can feel your connection to us, to these characters. In the airport, in restaurants, on the street, when people call out “Hi Fiona” “Oh my god, it’s Lip” or “Screw you Frank!”… it feels good.

The opportunity to play Fiona has been a gift. There are few characters — female or otherwise — as layered and dynamic. She is a mother lion, fierce, flawed and sexually liberated. She is injured, vulnerable, but will never give up. She is living in an economic depression, but refuses to be depressed. She is resourceful. She is loyal. She is brave. I knew it the second I read the pilot script, this was different, this was special. I tirelessly prepped the audition with my coach Terry Knickerbocker. I walked to the appointment in the rain so I looked disheveled. During my third audition, when I got the part IN the room, I literally jumped up and down screaming in joyous relief and disbelief. Quite simply, the last eight years have been the best of my life.

Malcolm Gladwell says it takes 10,000 hours to become truly good at something. To become world class. Well by my calculation, 100 episodes, 7 days per episode (plus Chicago weeks), 12 hour days, we’re just at about 10,000 hours. So I guess we’re finally good at this. I can say for certain that this cast and crew, who I’ve been have truly honored to work alongside, are world class. I am proud and I’m filled with gratitude.

I know you will continue on without me, for now. There is much more Gallagher story to be told. I will always be rooting for my family. Try not to think of me as gone, just think of me as moving down the block.

With love, always.

RIP Susan Brown, Beloved Actress Played Gail Baldwin on “General Hospital” for 15 Years


Soap opera fans are mourning Susan Brown, the beloved actress who played Gail Baldwin on “General Hospital” from 1979 to 2004.

Brown was 86 years old. Her TV career began in 1955, and she went on to be a regular in the New York soaps, taking roles in “As the World Turns” and “Edge of Night” among others. In the early 70s she starred in a short lived NBC soap called “Bright Promise” with two other actors who would go on to “General Hospital” with her, Anthony Geary and Ivor Francis. She was also featured in a number of prime time TV shows.

Brown was so elegant and well spoken that I always thought she was British. She came from San Francisco, as it turns out. But her poise and intelligence made her a standout on television.

Brown’s “General Hospital” husband, actor Peter Hansen, died last year.