Sunday, September 22, 2024


Pepsi Beats Coke for X Factor Contract

The official soda for Simon Cowell's new "X Factor"? Why, it's Pepsi, which beat out rival Coca Cola for the honor of blasting its...

The Best of 2010: A Look Back

2010? It wasn't so bad. The worst thing was losing friends and people we admired. I am not through saying goodbye to our dear Elaine...

Afraid of “127 Hours”? James Franco’s Grandma Says You’re a “A Bunch of Pussies”

Mitzie Verne, James Franco's grandmother, and owner of the famed Verne Art Gallery in Cleveland, Ohio, has a Christmas greeting for us. She and her...

“Spider Man” Is A ‘Go’ For Tonight: Union, OSHA Approve

"Spider Man" is on again. The Broadway show will skip just one performance and resume tonight. Both Actors Equity and OSHA have cleared the show. Monday...

Golden Globe Scandal II: Former PR Firm Outs The HFPA has published this letter, sent to the Golden Globes by their former PR firm, Michael Russell Group, last February. Michael Russell repped the...

Exclusive: Ronni Chasen–Her Brother Thinks “It Was Road Rage”

Ronni Chasen's brother, screenwriter Larry Cohen, says he thinks his publicist sister's death was due to "road rage." Cohen, whom I spoke with this afternoon,...

Tarantino Dirty Sexy Friars Roast: Travolta, Uma Object of Comics’ Poison Darts

Whoops! Did Uma Thurman have any idea what she was in for when she agreed to sit on the dais next to Quentin Tarantino...

Oscar Winner Jennifer Hudson Forgotten by Hollywood Trade Mag

I know it's hard converting from a trade magazine to a hybrid whatever. But maybe The Hollywood Reporter could try and get its music coverage...