Sunday, September 22, 2024


Calling the Oscars a “Snorefest” Will Get You Punished

Michael Fleming worked at Variety as a highly regarded reporter for 20 years. He's always covered the Academy Awards. He doesn't much like even...

Larry King: “CNN Is Making Me Go On With Piers Morgan”

Larry King tells me that CNN is making him go on tonight with his successor Piers Morgan. I ran into Larry on Monday having...

NFL Says No To Charity Poker Game for Players

The National Football League must have something against charity. On Saturday afternoon about 25 players turned up for the Starkey Hearing Foundation's big poker...

Today Show Advice on Bad Neighbor: “I Would Get a Gun and Kill the Guy”

Finally, some useful advice on a morning show! Al Roken interviewed New York real estate queen Barbara Corcoran today. They took a call from...

Huffington Report Sold — or Just Returns to– AOL? And Who Will Write for Free Now?

The Huffington Post was sold to AOL for $315 million. But wait--didn't they just return to where they started? While readers' comments everywhere this...

Peas Please But Christina Goofs, Prince Skips, Celebs Flood Super Bowl

What a Super Bowl weekend. Prince did what he always does, and canceled a concert at the last minute, leaving everyone high, wet, mad...

Exclusive: Harvey Weinstein Doc Premieres This Friday in Toronto

A Harvey Weinstein documentary timed with the Oscars. Hmm... Good or bad thing? According to filmmaker Barry Avrich, it won't be bad. Expect no...

WGA: “Mad Men” Named Best Drama, and Best Episodic Series

"Mad Men" won the Writers Guild of America Award for Best Drama. Series writer Erin Levy also won for Best Episodic Drama--an award for...