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Friday, January 24, 2025


Bono, The Edge Will Monitor “Spider Man” from Tour ‘Til January

Bono and The Edge won't be able to see "Spider Man: Turn off the Dark" before January. They're in Australia right now, and continue on...

Michael Jackson Breaking News: Oprah Interviews Singer’s Surrogate Family

What to do when so many people question the truth? Go on "Oprah." I am told that the whole Cascio family appears on "Oprah" on...

Oscar Winner Jennifer Hudson Forgotten by Hollywood Trade Mag

I know it's hard converting from a trade magazine to a hybrid whatever. But maybe The Hollywood Reporter could try and get its music coverage...

Leo vs. Leo: Two Studios in Oscar Dogfight for DiCaprio

Was Leonardo DiCaprio a Best Actor nominee in Martin Scorsese's "Shutter Island"? Or was he a Best Actor nominee in Christopher Nolan's "Inception"? It's an enviable...

Beatles Record Label, EMI, Calls for a 10AM Company Meeting–In Time for I Tunes Announcement

EMI, the Beatles' beleaguered record label, has called for a company wide meeting Tuesday morning at 10am Eastern Time. That's the same time that Steve...

Exclusive: Spider Man on Broadway Creator Julie Taymor Speaks to Showbiz411

Julie Taymor is partially amused and semi outraged by the coverage of "Spider Man: Turn off the Dark." So what if it's been postponed for...

Exclusive: Michael Jackson New Album Video Teaser

The single, "Breaking News," breaks on Monday. And still the question persists: how in the world were Michael's nephews, the 3Ts, as we call...

Michael Jackson: Deal For New Album Cut Late Last Night

This "Breaking News"--also the title of the first single from Michael Jackson's new album, written and produced by Eddie Cascio. Sony Music just sent out...