Monday, September 30, 2024


“Descendants” Director: George Clooney Lives Up to His Hype

"The Descendants" opened yesterday to just about 100% rave reviews. Alexander Payne, who's made "Sideways" and "About Schmidt" and "Election," knows how to adapt...

Golden Globes Take Ricky Gervais Back as Host–Reluctantly

Score one for NBC. After years of putting up with the Hollywood Foreign Press, and paying them millions for licensing the Golden Globes show,...

Oscars: 2011 Is The Year of the Movie Star

Wow. Oscars. Billy Crystal is back. Brian Grazer is producing the show. And now, guess what? With one exception--French actor Jean DuJardin--the best actor...

Billy Crystal To Host the Oscars

UPDATE: We called it last night. Billy Crystal is going to host the Oscars.   Now that Eddie Murphy has exited the Oscars, who should...

Bruce Springsteen Sells Shirt off His Back for Soldiers

Bruce Springsteen was lively as ever last night at the Stand Up for Heroes fifth anniversary show at the Beacon Theatre. He told his...

“Spider Man” Lawsuit Could Mean No National Tour For Now

Julie Taymor's lawsuit against the producers of "Spider Man: Turn off the Dark" has some serious consequences not yet explored. It turns out her...

Exclusive: Julie Taymor Files Suit Against “Spider Man” Producers

Exclusive: Showbiz411 has learned exclusively that director Julie Taymor has filed suit against the producers of the Broadway show she created, "Spider Man: Turn...

Exclusive: Madonna New Album Headed to Universal

Madonna's next album will not be back on Warner Music. That ship has sailed. I am told by a Warner source that the understanding...