Wednesday, September 25, 2024


Macy’s Knows the Heights of Its Celebrity Pals

Macy's is shooting a commercial for its fall campaign in the next couple of weeks. They need SAG extras to play the celebrities who...

Elton John Describes His 1990 Rehab in Extraordinary New Book

Elton John has written an extraordinary new book about his life. It's a not a kiss and tell and not how he recorded "Goodbye...

Occupy Batman: Dark Knight Rises Has Echoes of Dickens and Zuccotti Park

Director Christopher Nolan says "The Dark Knight Rises" is all about Charles Dickens' "A Tale of Two Cities." But it's really also "Occupy Gotham...

Justin Bieber Not Selling Enough Albums to Buy a $100,000 Car

Justin Bieber is no doubt making money somewhere, but it's not album sales. This last week, Bieber sold approximately 44,000 copies of "Believe." He's...

Interview with the Psychic Who Predicted Tom Cruise-Katie Holmes Split

The Tom/Katie split caught nearly everyone in Hollywood by surprise.  But not so noted Psychic Thomas John.  At the young age of 28, he...

Wes Anderson Begins Casting 8th Movie

Wes Anderson--riding on a high with "Moonrise Kingdom"--is casting his 8th movie. A website called says offers have gone out to and eclectic...

Sage Stallone: Partner Was “Hurt Locker” Editor, Spokesman in Golden Globe Lawsuit

Sage Stallone's partner in his Grindhouse Releasing company, Bob Murawski, says of his late friend: "Sage was one of the smartest, warmest, most creative...

“Spider Man” Knocked to 2nd Place, “Batman” On His Way

The relaunch of "Spider Man" -- you can't say it's a flop. "The Amazing Spider Man" has put $200 million into the bank domestically...