“The Walking Dead” is living up its name ratings wise.
On Sunday night only 4.1 million people tuned in to see a bunch of heads on spikes. The show killed off 10 characters I’m not sure anyone cared about.
What everyone should care about is that a month ago, on February 10th, 5.1 million people watched the show on Sunday night. “Walking Dead” is no longer appointment TV. They’re depending on DVR ‘taping’ to bolster their numbers.
It used to be, that Sunday at 9, “Walking Dead” would make zombies out of everything around it. But it’s wound down this season to maybe just the people who know the comic books. The DVR taping means another 2.5 million people watch it within a few days– it’s not a priority.
And even that group has shrunk considerably since the beginning of the season. That number was up to 3.4 million extra viewers in the second week, back on October 14th 2018. Last week, the DVY people comprised just 2.3 million.
“Walking Dead” was renewed by AMC for a 10th season come this fall. But it could be this is the end, long overdue. If heads on a spike didn’t bring fans back, nothing will.