Sean Penn does a lot of things very well: act, direct, help Haiti. But writing fiction may not fall in that category. He launched his first novel, “Bob Honey Who Just Do Stuff,” on Colbert last night. He told the host he was still feeling the Ambien he’d taken on his overnight flight, and then he started smoking. Penn was pretty cogent, however (he’s very articulate). Alas, Colbert didn’t seem to care much for the book. Reviews are coming in now and they’re not too good. Neither are sales. “Bob Honey” is at number 174 on amazon. Maybe people will buy it as a collector’s item. Too bad Sean didn’t write a serious novel about his work in Haiti, etc. Now that this is out of his system, that would be an interesting real second novel.
Sean Penn Launches Novel on Colbert on Ambien, Smoking: Book Not Selling, Reviews are Not Great
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