The Weds-Thursday box office is in. “Baywatch” is a wipe out. Paramount’s taken in $4.5 million over the two nights. The future is dim, to say the least. Projections are for more maybe $20 million over the four day holiday weekend. After Warner’s mess with “CHiPS,” maybe it’s time not to make keep remaking these TV shows. They weren’t good in the first place, they aren’t good now.
“Pirates of the Caribbean” is panned everywhere. But the box office may not be a total disaster, just a “disappointment.” Starting with $5.5 million Thursday night, and $34 million international, there’s some hope for the moment. The film is literally coasting on brand name recognition and “nothing else out there.” If your choice is between nitwit lifeguards, and some good sword play, what’s the answer? Plus you’re looking for Paul McCartney.
Yes, that’s right. 50 years after the release of the greatest rock album ever made, you’re looking for its creator in a Pirates movie. Of course, 240 years after the United States declared independence, a crazy person is president. So all bets are off!
Some good news: the word on “Wonder Woman” is very good. What a relief. More on that later…