Woody Allen’s new comedy, bound for the Cannes Film Festival, is called “Cafe Society.” The film set in the 1930s stars Steve Carell (replacing Bruce Willis), Kristen Stewart, Jesse Eisenberg, Alec Baldwin, Parker Posey and the inimitable Judy Davis.
I told you exclusively on March 11th that the Woody film was going to Cannes. I’m told there are negotiations for a coveted spot, maybe even opening night. When “Midnight in Paris” opened Cannes it went on to be Woody’s biggest film ever.
It will be tricky getting Woody to Cannes since he’s filming his Amazon TV series this Month and next. But luckily “Cafe Society” is also with Amazon. I am told by the way that Roadside Attractions is NOT distributing “Cafe Society.” Woody has been spared that drama.
More to come…