After all the drama and headlines, George Clooney wasn’t Brad Pitt’s best man. Clooney said in a statement I just received:
“How great is that?!!” ” I’m really happy for brad and Angie and their whole family”
So much for that. George may finally be back in Italy after a summer mostly in New York and the U.S. His own possible wedding is set for mid September either in Lake Como or Venice. If Brad and Angie managed to pull off a secret wedding this past weekend, you can bet George will do the same.
Meantime, in Italy near Tuscany, I’m hearing funny stories about a major movie star who was once here, from locals. The star’s publicist was here and was just as awful as she is when we deal with her. And this was a decade ago! Laughing when I heard the dreaded name! LOL. And the star was just as awful as ever.
A clue: this star knows both Brad and George…