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I’m so happy to be able to catch up with everybody here on Facebook. The last three months of my life have not been easy. Getting through this injury has been the toughest experience of my life. It took me three months to get to this point but thank God I was able to recover and get my arm back. It’s a huge deal, it should have taken eight months and even my doctors can’t believe it. It’s been a long journey, the physical therapists have been incredible and I am very grateful to all of them for helping me.
When people expected me to go “Here I am, I’m back and everything’s great!”, it didn’t happen because my hand was still in tremendous pain and it took this long for it to heal. I’ve been working day and night, and it took a lot of rest (though I did sneak in to the studio a couple o’ times!) but I can finally say that I am on my way to a full recovery.
There’s a lot of excitement that I’m going to reveal to you very soon, and sooner than you know it, you’re going to understand why but more than that, you’re going to feel what I’ve been feeling for the past- not three months- but three years.
This is, to me, one of the most important albums I’ve ever made in my life. If you’re a lamb, a fan, or just a human being that needs to feel good, happy, sad, miserable, joyous… “I gotcha” (said like Roc- you haven’t heard how he says it yet but you will soon, it’s a complete+total classic!)
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