The video exclusive from Spanish TV starts at around the 10:30 mark. Weiner tries out Spanish and is not very convincing. The reporter gets right to the heart of the matter and makes Weiner admit to the pseudonym of Carlos Danger, his personal fantasy porn name he uses on the internet to entice young women as he emails them pics of his genitals. “Can you tell us the sex scandal is over?” the reporter asks.
Weiner says, “I can’t say that nothing from past won’t come back to haunt me.” That’s what just you want a New York mayor to say, right? As for Carlos Peligroso: the anchor (I hope someone emails and tells me who she is, she’s excellent) really socks it to him.
The clock is winding down on Carlos and Huma, the Boris and Natasha of New York politics. He remains disgusting. She is just delusional.