Singer Chris Brown has just seen the world unravel since his incident with Rihanna four years ago. The latest: he’s been charged with a misdemeanor in Los Angeles, for an alleged hit and run. The specifics don’t matter right now–the girl driving the other car says she was hurt, her car was damaged. Brown says he gave her the proper info. But the authorities say he was driving without a valid license.
Now Brown is having a Twitter meltdown. He just cited the Bible: “That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.”
He also said that he was contacting his lawyers, he “won’t stand for bullying and yellow journalism.” TMZ keeps changing its mind about whether he’s guilty or not. It’s sort of funny, and very sad.
19-24 years of age. I don’t have all the answers and you can’t show me a person that age who has it figured out.We live and grow.Let me live
— Chris Brown (@chrisbrown) June 25, 2013
It's not a hit and run if u get out the car, exchange information (who has NO DAMAGE to either cars).This is really ridiculous
— Chris Brown (@chrisbrown) June 25, 2013