Readers of this column will recall that two and a half weeks ago, at the HBO Golden Globes after party, Ricky Gervais had an exclusive interview here. He told me that he thought Will Arnett would be perfect to take Steve Carell’s place on “The Office” running Dunder Mifflin. Ricky also told me he’d be on “The Office” on January 27th (which he was) and that that episode would give a big clue about Carell’s successor. If only someone somewhere had checked this out via a Google search. Gervais wrte this on his blog yesterday which caused a webjam as several sites picked this up as if it were news. It was not. but it was back on Monday January 17th when I wrote it.
Arnett would fit right into NBC’s line up since he’s married to “Parks and Recreation” star Amy Poehler. But I do think that Gervais is probably coming to “The Office” at least for a little while.