I probably should have written this last week for Michael Jackson’s 65th birthday.
Remember how everyone wrote him off when HBO aired their negative documentary? His critics claimed his legacy was ruined.
According to Luminate, thirteen years after his death Jackson has sold the equivalent of 977,000 albums so far in 2023. He will surpass 1 million and could get as high as 1.5 million before the year is out.
That’s with no active marketing this year other than his sold out Broadway musical, “MJ.” And, of course. he’s not here to do any promotion. Among deceased pop stars, he’s number 1.
To put Jackson’s popularity in context. he’s running behind The Beatles (1.2 million) but ahead of The Eagles (722K). Each of those groups is promoted all year long. The Eagles are about to go on a final tour. Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr keep the Fab Four’s flag waving all the time.
Adding in two big legacy groups: Queen is just behind Michael. Elvis Presley is behind both of them. Fleetwood Mac is just behind the Beatles.
Probably the two biggest female acts are far behind. Madonna is nowhere near this range — only around 350K. Mariah Carey is around the 550K mark mostly thanks to “All I Want is Christmas.”
But Michael Jackson’s music just keeps going. So far this year he’s been streaming 1.2 billion times. Think of all the times you’ve been somewhere in public and heard “Don’t Stop Til You Get Enough” or “Billie Jean.” It’s endless.
Happy birthday, Michael.