Are Justin Bieber and Scooter Braun getting a divorce?
First of all where is Bieber? No posts on Instagram since May. His Twitter feed shows a last post from December 2022. On Braun’s Inst, no pictures of him with Bieber, his once cash cow, since February 2022.
Bieber wound up cancelling tours left and right. He sold his song catalog in January 2023 to Hipgnosis for $200 million. He’s not even 30 years old. This is what legacy or semi-retired artists do, people in their 70s. This was a sign Bieber’s career future was uncertain.
Today Matt Belloni in his Puck newsletter says he’s been hearing that Bieber is looking for new management after changing lawyers and business managers. It’s very plausible.
Braun, who made a great deal with the Korean company that owns KPop group BTS, hasn’t had any hits in a long time with his older clients. Bieber isn’t working or recording as far as anyone knows. Ariana Grande has been off making the “Wicked” movies and allegedly breaking up families, so no other recording or touring. Demi Lovato has released flop after flop. At some point, Braun was involved with Kanye West, but that’s obviously over.
The Braun Bieber divorce –as Bieber changes all of his team — could result in a lot of forensic accounting. There are social media reports that Bieber — who has earned around $500 million — is actually in debt. With new lawyers involved, this will not be pretty. But it always seemed like this day would come. Braun turned himself into a social media celebrity. something managers and publicists should never do. The clients feel eclipsed.
It does look like change is in the air. Stay tuned….