Whenever we see the final season of “The Crown.” we will be getting three queens.
Netflix says both Queen Lilibet #1, Claire Foy, and #2– Olivia Colman — will appear in new episodes as well as number 3, Imelda Staunton.
How will this happen? Is Season 6 going to be “Queen Elizabeth in the Multiverse”? Will Staunton have dying memories of her younger selves? Does this require bringing back their Philips as well? Will she not realize that she’s a different person in each memory?
Seems like the Marvel madness has invaded even Peter Morgan. But it will be a fun way to finish up this saga.
You know, the whole charm of “The Crown” was the first two seasons with Foy and co. It was part of a hazy nostalgia. It was so captivating to see Morgan and Stephen Daldry tell the OG stories of Wallis Simpson and so on, Margaret in her halcyon days, Philip when he was getting in trouble. You lose that as “The Crown” gets closer to reality, which bites, and includes Diana and Charles fighting, Diana dying, and then winding up with the current crowd.
For the final episode there should be a confrontation among Charles, Ann, Edward and Andrew where Charles shouts, “I’m the oldest boy!” If only…