Over the years, Dwayne Johnson, aka The Rock, has overcome many battles and won at the box office. Never discount his popularity.
But now Johnson faces maybe his biggest struggle. He’s got to pulverize scathing reviews. And they are bad.
“Black Adam” — which cost $200 million — stands at 55% on Rotten Tomatoes today. It’s considered ‘rotten,’ which is no surprise. “Black Adam” has long been the subject of gossip in the movie world. Its late October release is no help, either: “Black Adam” is going into the dumping ground.
For Warner’s and DC Comics it doesn’t seem like “Black Adam” will be a high note– even with a cameo from the DC Universe’s most famous character. (Is it a spoiler? Will it help unless they just say who it is? We’ll see.) If “Black Adam” is this bad why didn’t the studio just 86 it as as they did “Batgirl”? Could the latter movie have been worse? Ouch!
I guess the bellwether will be when “Black Adam” plays previews tomorrow night. But they’re not a lot out there, so it’s possible things will go better than we think.