“Law & Order Organized Crime” ended with a disorganized finale and its lowest ratings yet.
Chris Meloni is great as Stabler, but the fans of the “L&O” franchise don’t care for his setting. Last night’s show dropped to 3.89 million.
Forget the big 7.8 million premiere. From the second episode, the show has ratcheted down 1 million more viewers ending up here. And here is no good. “OG” is getting lower ratings that the OG “SVU” that precedes it despite Mariska Hargitay appearing in all of the episodes.
Everyone loves that Meloni is back as Stabler. But chasing Dylan McDermott every week like Coyote and Roadrunner has worn itself out. McDermott is a fine actor but let’s wrap this up. New York’s organized crime has more than one antagonist. The story of Richard Wheatley and his family is over.
EP Fred Berner has already said that next season there will be three 8 episode arcs. Let’s hope the show opens up into more characters and stories and it isn’t just Stabler being unstable. The audience just isn’t there. They want to see Stabler as a hero, not an anti-hero. The proof is, they left. It’s a Law & Order Show but we’re not seeing any Order. Enough already with Benson and Stabler’s “romance” and long looks. They’re 50 years old for gosh sakes.
Kudos to “SVU” which was great all season, knows how to weave in the soap opera stuff, and keeps it real. The result is strong, steady ratings holding their own against other weary vet, “Grey’s Anatomy.” Mariska deserves an Emmy nod this year. NBC, do something.