The existential drama, “Keeping Up with the Kardashians,” aka “An American Family… on LSD,” has finished its six episode season. The show will return in September, like it or not.
From episode 1 to episode 6, the show’s ratings fell by 2 million viewers. That’s right. In five weeks, they slipped from just over 1 million to 800,000 questionable fans. One fifth of their audience departed for any other kind of entertainment.
When the show returns in September, it will features scenes from quarantine. Someone close to the family gets tested positive for COVID-19. All of them fail the SATS, LSATS, and the New York Post crossword puzzle.
In the preview already shot, Kris Jenner is filmed either in her home closet or the ladies’ department at Kohls. No one can tell the difference.
How will we live all summer without the Ks? I will miss their ratings descent, otherwise not so much.