Kanye West has left Jay Z and his Tidal streaming service. The issue is money. Frankly, Kanye has a case against Jay Z. The rollout of “The Life of Pablo” was the most botched release by a superstar ever.
Anyway, we all know what else happened: Kim was robbed in Paris, Kanye walked out of some shows, and had a nervous breakdown. As they say on “Veep,” he’s been “at the spa.” The last we heard he was on a mountaintop somewhere.
And then Kanye closed down all his social media. Yet there he is on 2Chainz’ Instagram account in three photos. And what is that expression on his face? Kanye West is SMILING. To quote Sly Stone: “You caught me smilin’, again.” What a nice smile. He looks HAPPY. And if that’s the case, maybe there’s a light at the end of the tunnel for everyone.