Big news in the pop world: Most of Taylor Swift’s catalog is streaming on Jay Z’s TidalHiFi today with the exception of her current “1989” album.
Swift famous took herself off of Spotify last year in a dispute over royalties. Her music, including “1989,” appears on Pandora. But that service also offers listeners direct links to retailers so you can buy what you’re listening to. Spotify doesn’t do that.
Swift is also part of Jay’s Twitter campaign today to launch Tidal in the US. He’s got all his pals involved: wife Beyonce, Madonna, Kanye West, Jack White, et al turning over their Twitter accounts to him today– presumably for fees.
As for Swift, Tidal costs $20 a month. Spotify is free, or $10 a month without commercials. Frankly, you can have Spotify for free, download “1989” from amazon or iTunes, maybe get the CD, too, and be ahead of the game.