You may be wondering what happened to Paris Jackson, Michael Jackson and Debbie Rowe’s daughter? She was sent to a school for troubled teens last June after a suicide attempt, and that’s where she’s been all this time.
Now I’m told that Paris, who’s had a hard time adjusting to the rules and regulations of the school, has earned enough good behavior points to join her classmates on a field trip. They’re on their way now, and that’s where Paris will be for Thanksgiving. Remember, Katherine Jackson is a Jehovah’s Witness and doesn’t celebrate holidays. So Paris might as well be with her pals.
TMZ ran a story today from a “source” claiming Debbie Rowe and Mrs. Jackson had a meeting at the school today to get an update on Paris. “Debbie is calling these stories in to TMZ,” says an insider. If that’s true, she didn’t tell them about the field trip. I know where the kids are going. I’ll tell you where it was when they return.
According to my source, Paris has missed a few trips in the past because she wasn’t so cooperative. But things are changing. Her behavior, they say, will be watched closely now to determine if she can go home for the Christmas break. We’re rooting for her!