“Sopranos” creator David Chase and his wife Denise were just two members of the show’s extended family who turned out last night to their late pal James Gandolfini in “Enough Said.” The romantic comedy, co-starring Julia Louis Dreyfus, opens this Friday and should be a big hit. It’s the best work yet by popular filmmaker Nicole Holofcener (“Please Give”).
The Chases were joined by Aida Turturro, Edie Falco, Dominic Chianese, Vince Curatola and his wife Maureen, Steve Schirripa , and Tony Sirico. Plus many members of Gandolfini’s own family were there including sisters Johanna and Leta. The latter sister, Leta, was abroad in France when her brother died last June. She went straight to Italy to help Gandolfini’s teenage son Michael with arrangements.
How did they like the movie? Leta Gandolfini said: “It was the role that was most like him in real life. It was like having a visit with Jimmy.” David Chase told me: “Just looking at him up there, you can the intelligence.”
Vince Curatola, who played Johnny Sack, told me: “This is what he wanted to be.”
And indeed the tragedy of “Enough Said” is that Gandolfini finally makes the transition to comedy and romance, away from Tony Soprano. He and Julia Louis Dreyfus have chemistry to spare. They are utterly charming together. The whole cast makes the film work, especially Catherine Keener (nasty for once in a movie).
Julia Louis Dreyfus and I joked that she can’t become a movie star now. I love “Veep” too much. She laughed. “Don’t worry. I’m signed to Veep for a long, long time!”
PS Jerry Seinfeld came to the screening to support Louis-Dreyfus, his “Elaine” for time immemorial.