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It looks like director Doug Liman and Tom Cruise's supernatural thriller, "Deeper," is going forward.
At a screening of Gregory Kershaw and Michael Dweck's documentary,...
Tom Cruise really wants an Oscar.
Cruise has made gazillions from "Mission Impossible" movies, "Top Gun Maverick," and recent hits like "American Made" and...
You'd think this wouldn't be going anymore, but Tom Cruise is still Top Gun at Scientology, the religious cult.
This is despite three broken marriages,...
No one could have foreseen this disaster.
Last summer, the whole movie season was about Tom Cruise saving theaters with "Top Gun Maverick."
But what...
Since Tom Cruise is between "Mission Impossible: Dead Reckoning" movies he's definitely still playing Ethan Hunt in his mind.
Last night at the glitzy New...
I see the terrific actress Scarlett Johansson had a surprising answer last night on the "Asteroid City" red carpet. Someone from the Hollywood Reporter...
The Producers Guild Awards are droning into their fourth hour in Los Angeles.
Best Picture goes to "Everything Everywhere All at Once" like clockwork. Ridiculous,...