Monday, February 10, 2025

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No Labor Day Telethon: MDA, $23 Million in the Red, 60% Down in Contributions, Lost without Jerry Lewis

Once upon a time, Labor Day weekend was all about the Muscular Dystrophy Telethon and Jerry's Kids, thanks to Jerry Lewis. That went on...

Jerry Lewis’ Memory Is Being Exploited by MDA Muscular Dystrophy After They Treated Him Like Dirt

MDA Muscular Dystrophy really likes Jerry Lewis now-- now that he's dead. All weekend long they've been exploiting his image and his history with MDA...

Jerry Lewis Raised Billions for MDA Over 50 Years And They Treated Him Like Dirt as a Reward

This morning as Jerry Lewis's death is catching up to the news there are many stories about his philanthropy and devotion to the Muscular...

MDA Post- Jerry Lewis Losing Money Every Year, But CEO Gets $550,000

There's no Jerry Lewis telethon today. There hasn't been one since 2011. And every year since then, MDA-- the Muscular Dystrophy Association-- has lost...

MDA’s Hail Mary Pass: Bring Back Jerry Lewis as Contributions Slide by $35 Million, Salaries Increase

Is Jerry Lewis back with MDA? It's hard to say, but on Friday, Lewis sent a video message to the MDA annual meeting urging...

MDA Without Jerry Lewis, Telethon: New CEO Takes Home Over $500K, Collections Way Down

With MDA, the Muscular Dystrophy Association, the truth always come out. You just have to wait until they file their Form 990 Tax Return...

MDA Non Telethon Results: Ratings Disaster, Raised $2 Mil Less Than Last Year

A year ago today, right around now, I told you that the MDA non-telethon raised $54.1 million. This morning, a year later, the number...

MDA Concedes Tote Board Total Includes “Sponsor Partners” Contributions

The soulless MDA "Show of Strength" two hour special is over in the East and Central time zones. On the website, MDA says it's...

MDA Scandal: Magazine Refused to Feature New Book by Former Chapter Prez About Son’s Battle

EXCLUSIVE June Kempf served as president of her local MDA chapter on Long Island for two years, after many years of service. If you...

Jerry Lewis Screwed Again by MDA: They’re Using His Old Clips With A List Stars to Promote Themselves

Get this: the creeps at MDA-- Muscular Dystrophy Association-- have found a new way to exploit Jerry Lewis. They're currently holding a vote on...

MDA Labor Day Telethon is a Ratings Bust, Finishing 4th for the Night

I can't say I'm shocked. The MDA Show of Strength "telethon" on ABC was a ratings bust. It finished four last night at 9...

MDA Fibs About Telethon Money Collected on Website Tote Board

MDA-- I don't get it. They just continue to play word games. It's all semantics. On their website tote board this morning they're touting...
