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You may remember that short fingered vulgarian Donald Trump was already president.
During his years of 2017, 2018, and 2019 Trump broke tradition and stayed...
The Kennedy Center is looking for a new CEO.
Billionaire David Rubenstein, whose name and imprimatur is on the Center, the Washington Monument, and many...
Last nights ratings for the Kennedy Center Honors were surprisingly disappointing.
Total viewers for the two and a half hour show came to 4.26 million
The Kennedy Center Honors has turned into the Grammy Awards.
They're inducting Queen Latifah, Dionne Warwick, Barry Gibb, Renee Fleming. And Billy Crystal, a...
There's a lot of head-scratching today about the new Kennedy Center Honors. It's not like the chosen honorees don't deserve their accolades. But the...
This past December, the Kennedy Center Honors had just 4.2 million viewers.
When George Steven Jr produced his final show in December 2014, the number...