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After nearly a decade, the Jett Travolta Foundation may be winding down.
Formed in 2008 after John Travolta and Kelly Preston's autistic 16 year old...
You'd think this wouldn't be going anymore, but Tom Cruise is still Top Gun at Scientology, the religious cult.
This is despite three broken marriages,...
Danny Masterson, an avowed Scientologist, is on trial for rape, with allegations that his "church" protected him.
Tom Cruise, Scientology's most famous celebrity, hasn't seen...
Scientology keeps looking for people in distress and duress who might be vulnerable to their gibberish.
According to the 2014 Federal tax filing for the...
Last week was a strange one indeed when it came to James Gandolfini's funeral. Forget Hilaria Baldwin and her non-Twitter non-scandal. Right after Gandolfini...