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Famed hacker and leaker of government secrets Edward Snowden's ears must be burning. He's mentioned in two movies opening this weekend.
Indeed, he's only mentioned...
"CitizenFour" just won the Gotham Award for best documentary, just hours after winning the New York Film Critics Award. Michael Keaton won for Best...
Edward Snowden? Living in Russia, world's most wanted leaker of government secrets, Snowden, you'd think, would be a huge "get" for any network anchor....
Here's a little more about the documentary "CitizenFour," about Edward Snowden and his takedown of the NSA. Laura Poitras and Glenn Greenwald's documentary goes...
Laura Poitras’s "All the Beauty and the Bloodshed" is the Centerpiece Selection of the New York Film Festival.
"Beauty" chronicles the path of famed photographer...