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UPDATE Monday afternoon: Spotify says worldwide streaming of "Baby Blue" is up 9000 percent. Pete Ham and Mal Evans (and George Harrison) are smiling...
The Grammys have announced their Lifetime Achievement and Special Merit Awards.
The awards are handed out on February 3rd in a special ceremony at the...
Mariah Carey was inducted into the Songwriters Hall of Fame last night. Ironically, she's never written the music to any of her songs.
Go figure.
January 31, 1972-- the release of Al Green's album, "Let's Stay Together." The next day came Todd Rundgren's double album, "Something/Anything."
I was 14, not...
We just had the 50th anniversaries of two important, landmark albums: Carly Simon's "Anticipation" and Harry Nilsson's "Nilsson Schmilsson." The former album launched the...