Scottie Shaffer worked for Michael Jackson from approximately 1992 to 1997. He was known around Neverland by the nickname “House.” Shaffer went off to start his own business- he does product placement for movies and is very successful. But he always stayed friendly with all the Jacksons. He’s invited to a Jackson wedding this summer, in fact. And Scottie is outraged by Wade Robson’s accusations that Michael molested him.
“For all the time I was in the inner circle, working for Michael, I never observed any inappropriate behavior. It’s impossible for me to believe,” Shaffer told me the other night.
Scottie started working for Michael in late 1992, when the “Black and White” video was shot. He stayed until 1997-98. He was present through the whole debacle with Jordan Chandler. He was also there as Jackson entertained many kids at Neverland. His title was Special Projects Coordinator. Shaffer was with Michael when they met Omer Bhatti, the kid who Michael later referred to as his son, and who now uses that distinction to stay with the Jacksons. (He is not in any way related to them.)
“People are just after the money now,” Shaffer says. “And it sickens me.”
Shaffer– who’s a nice guy and a straight shooter– also adds that the Robsons didn’t spend that much time at Neverland. His website is