Lena Dunham’s “Girls” is a hit on HBO, a wonderfully written droll show about slacker kids living in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. But since it started, “Girls” has been criticized for furthering the same issue that plagued “Sex and the City”–no black characters. How could these kids live in New York and have a lily white existence? Sources now tell me that issue will be addressed in the season 2 opener, which was just completed. My direct question was, Will there be a black character? And the answer I got was Yes.
This is so smart of “Girls” to do this quickly, and without fuss. Last spring they’d announced a character named Tako was who supposed to be African American. But when she turned up in the person of winning actress Roberta Colindrez, it didn’t seem like the show had followed through on its promise.
The following may be further confirmation. A casting call went out in July for this character. The name and description of the character suggests that Elladonna could be the young lady in question. Here’s the description. Note the very important part–“submit all ethnicities”:
INDICATE AGE ON SUBMISSION) Staten-Islander raised by her on again, off again parents. Her mother is
currently living with another man in Levittown, Pennsylvania so she lives with only her father (who thinks his
wife is staying with her mother. Eladonna knows and will tell him the next time she fights with her dad. It will
lead to his stabbing the man and ending up in jail). She most often sleeps at her boyfriend’s condo – a 38
year old commercial realtor who’s also a small time coke dealer. She has 2 tattoos: a Yankees sign on her
inner thigh that she got when she was sober and the Chinese symbol for “wisdom” on her hip that she got
when she was drunk. She found some guns at her boyfriend’s place and likes to carry one around in her
purse. (Guest Star)
Likes: Lady Gaga, bubble gum, Hypnotiq, good calzones, her brother Matteo who’s in a rock band in
Dislikes: Her mother, her father, phonies.